In the doghouse

Well I went to Heather's leaving do last night after work, which was an interesting night out. The Indian restaurant had to be seen to be believed, as it looked like one of those cheap garden make overs on a council estate. Trellis , ivy, and badly painted pine was the order of the day, and the food mirrored the decor but at least I only had a starter to chomp through. I don't really like ward nights out as I feel a bit too long in the tooth to socialise with people I generally have nothing in common with, but I was sat with Hazel and a couple of others I DO like, so the night was ok-ish.
The problem with the whole thing was the fact I got home rather late (1ish!) and slightly....well ......pissed. I wasn't falling over or anything, but I was,shall we say a little loud! ...I also "helped" Maddie and George on our bed a little too roughly so Chris woke up in a rather irate mood. The mood has deteriorated this morning, and not placated by a cup of tea and plate of hot cross buns but he did get his own back by bouncing Meg on the bed after her early morning walk.He hasn't spoken to me all morning
Hell hath no fury, as a old queen scorned!!!!!!!!!!...

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