A fag end and tissue!

Short blog today as I have made the most of the spring weather and have nearly completed the vegetable patch. I won't bother posting a photo of said plot, as pictures of dirt and very little else isn't that interesting to the average blog reader, and I must keep my public wanting more! (as my friend Jonney H would say)
Cleaned out the hen houses as the hot weather is making them all smell rather too "high" and I have read that Chickens can become ill if subjected to strong smells.
I was amused to find a rolled up paper tissue and a fag end in the larger ooop which is a little surprising. God knows why a hen would hide away such titbits.
As well as dropping off birthday pressies for Ned and Hazel, I bought a gift for Sheffield Maisie ( what do you buy a 2 year old? I will be buggered if I know?), I walked the dogs on the beach, picked up the Hens' veg from the veg shop girls and made a tasty flan from duck eggs for Chris' tea then am soon to go out to see Cloverfield with Janet. Mike rang last night and we had a good post mortem of the film which I do miss at times! Catching up with him and Jonney H in Sheffield on the 29th, so I suspect more film banter will be on the agenda.Bliss!......

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