William Training, Cleo Lane, and Marion Collard

William has now officially "grown up". Banishment to the puppy area of the kitchen dog baskets has been lifted and for the last couple of nights he has joined the scotties in the living room whist I was watching tv. He spent a few minutes each night dancing around, courting attention from everyone, but when he realised he was being overlooked, he settled down (with George) to sleep.Meg needs a haircut, she looks a little like Cleo Laine at the moment. Anyhow, Just caught up with the BAFTA award tonight on line and I was thrilled to see that Marion Cotillard won for her performance of the young AND dying elder Piaf in the wonderfull La Vie En Rose. As Cotillard walked into the awards the crowds mistook her for Kiera Knightly and she brushed off a potentially embarrassing situation by smiling broadly and shouting simply and without an edge.. "I'm French!!!" Her speech of thanks was funny and genuine and it must of been wonderful for her to win the best actress award- a first for a French performer! Great stuff

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