Needy Meg.A good death? Janeaway,Piccard or Sisko?

Of all the characters that are our pets, Meg always seems to me to be the "saddest". I know this anthropomorphic view of animal personality traits is rather misleading at best, but in her case, it does feel rather a truism. She is a a nervy little dog, who is most content sitting on my knee, being silent and cuddled. Whist the others are lying in untidy heaps on the kitchen floor, she has sneaked onto the couch with me, and is still and comfortable.

Today, I have been at work all day, and will be at the hospital all day tomorrow as well as Monday and Tuesday night shifts. I have missed being outdoors, but have had some consolation with working with a delightfully close family of a patient who sadly died today. As readers of this blog may have picked up already, I am not a fan of intensive care work. I prefer the slightly gung-ho nature, general rehabilitation has to offer. Mind you, ITU does have it's own positives to nurse and patients, and to me the most important is it often allows the patient to receive a death with as much dignity, an overburdened health system has to offer. This was the case today! I had the time, support and the opportunity to ensure that the family received good end of life care for a much loved husband and father. Hard work yes........but worth it.

On a lighter note! Yesterday I was thinking about STAR TREK! Now I am no treker by any means ( I may be slightly nerdy occasionally!); I will watch a film if it on the television, and have been amused with the story on the BBC of the new proposed Star Trek film starring Simon Pegg as a young Scottie!, but I don't know the Kingon for Traitor! and have no idea the difference between a foton Torpedo and a fazer burst!. Voyager ( the forth of the series), is being shown on Sky and I must admit I have actually ENJOYED it second time around!
Janaway (School marm with a hint of smoulder) is a great heroine, with Busty seven of nine and semi lesbian B'Elanna Torres heading a strong female cast! The men led by Red Indian Commander Chakotay and pretty boy "Tom" Paris are more supporting brotherly characters, and the "family" cast even has a funny set of Uncles in the shape of alien Neelix and the hologram doctor!
Yep we have see all these characters before, as all the crew are just reincarnations of each other from the very first Trek films and series! but in Voyager there is an odd sense of those cardboard characterisations I have always loved from those 1970 disaster films. A motley group of souls, facing the unknown and disaster! This time instead of pretty people in dinner jackets and party frocks, we have humans and humanish aliens with figure hugging uniforms, 1990 haircuts , all backed by a stirring score by Jerry Goldsmith! all great fun!..............ENGAGE!

ps. Chris is smoking again! hey ho


  1. Tsk, tsk, tsk - It's PHOTON torpedo and PHASER and yep, you're definitely NOT a Trekker. LOLOLOLOL

    Love Captain Janeway and do you think they could've made Seven of Nine's uniform any tighter? Jeesh - the least they could do, is do the same thing with Tom Paris's uniform too! How about a little package action for the boys? LOL

  2. no NOT a trekker at all!!!!
    but I appreciate the appeal!


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