Good Luck to Mike

I have just had an Awful 12 hour shift! this time with an elderly burns and smoke inhalation victim. The unit had 2 assaults and one RTA! admitted and the seven staff never stopped for a minute! At least I have most of the tomorrow daytime off to do "outdoor" things before night shift tomorrow night.
Richard, the father in law comes on Thursday until next Tuesday, so at least I have some time away from work to look after him. Having said that I aim to get him working on the parsnips and new veg patch, so there will be little r and r! Bless!

Friend Mike starts work tomorrow after a long break! good luck matey! Forgot to say on the phone tonight that we need to organise a meet before Christmas!

10 days to New York!

1 comment:

  1. I used work for a biotech company that grew replacement skin for burn victims using small harvested patches of skin from the victim themselves. I occasionally had to go to the burn unit at one of the hospitals in our area. It was just so traumatic - I will never get over the smell. I don't know how you do it.


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