Emma Thompson and the Helen Bamber foundation........being careful

I listened with interest to an articulate, informed and passionate Emma Thompson, when she guested on Radio 4 today. She is the president of The Helen Bamber Foundation which works with survivors of genocide, torture, trafficking and rape who seek safety and refuge, and she highlighted with a quiet intensity, the plight of 4,000 or so women and children, who are trafficked into the UK each year and forced into prostitution.
The Body shop is leading the foundation's goal of ratifying the European Convention Against Trafficking which could give these women protection. Add your name, to their petition, and be sure and buy a postcard from The Body Shop, the proceeds of which will go directly to the foundations ! Even though the subject was shocking and rather sad, Thompson made the whole thing vital and important. A very charismatic lady.

New York is looming, (as is Christmas) so I have been watching my expenditure like a hawk! It is so easy to fritter it all away on, bollocks! so in a sort of a social experiment I am watching the pennies very carefully
Personal Expenditure so far this week:

I bag of Chicken wheat.............£6.99
Dog Collar...............................£4.95
Chicken tick powder................£6.99
Pigs Ears..................................£4.00
Sub total.................................£22.93

Egg sales (projected)...............£16.00+

Sub total.................................£6.93-

Cinema Ticket.........................£3.50
2 bowls from junk shop...........£0.50
Antique Magazine...................£3.30
diet coke.................................£5.09

Total £45.77

Not Bad eh?

Claire Wenger 's comments on Glan Clwyd Hospital didn't surprise me! This makes an uncomfortable but necessary read! http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/wales/north_west/7057733.stm

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