
The picture just about sums it all up. If you go to a beach daily, you assume a certain pace to life. Sit, sweat,drink coffee,read, sleep and watch; all very relaxing! I think I have got into the way of it all rather quicker than Chris, who has been suffering today with the heat and humidity.( and a burnt forehead)
The beach was rather quiet today which was bliss, yesterday afternoon was a tad of an ordeal as several
thousand ten year olds from inner city London ( well at least several hundred of them at least), descended on the sands with a score of harassed looking 17 year old teachers!
Tonight we are off to Chris' brother for dinner and last night were fed and watered by Duncan and Izzy
chris' nephew Leo (pic) is a sweet little chap who resembles the cute looking Milky Bar Kid. I know I am hovering around my usual Grumpy old man status when I say that I find him very sweet and very polite! which does make a refreahing change nowadays!

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