Holiday weather

Apologies for the bad photo (taken by phone) but it sort of illustrates how lovely the weather has been today. Spent the day on the beach and although Chris was nursing badly burned feet in the shade, Sorrel ( looking remarkably like Farrah Fawcett- Majors) and I sat in the glorious sunshine.

I cannot really remember how long it has been since I have read books uninterrupted in the sunshine and have been battling all day with 102 Minutes by Jim Dwyer and Kevin Flynn. The book is a meticulous and unrelievedly tense chronicle of the events of 9/11 from the perspective of the office workers from the Twin Towers, and is at times terribly upsetting reading. I have made myself quite depressed by it all!

Anyhow on a lighter note I saw from the news this morning that prestatyn suffered a disaster of its own,,albeit a small one. A flash flood shot through the high street spilling raw sewerage into Woolworths (I would have paid to see that) Janet reported that it was all pretty exciting! but at least all the hens are ok and not affected!

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