"Out with anger.in with love"

It has been an angry sort of day today, you know the sort, one pissy thing leads to another pissy thing and you find yourself wanting to rip the head off a small child. First there was a nicotine fuelled argument with Chris ( well lack of nicotine if you see my drift), followed by the pillow faced farmer retrieving the water butts he delivered earlier in the week. It is a long story, but in a nut shell he delivered the butts thinking they were for the Churchyard rather than for me and when he found out he wanted the bloody things back. I hate bullies and his attitude was forceful and overbearing in the extreme, which angered me more. The fact that I had already bought 20 quid sheets of plastic to cover them with pissed me off also, but as I had not actually paid him for the butts I had not a leg to stand on! and gave them back. At least all parties involved with this Childish behaviour know exactly how I feel about it all, and boy was I graphic of how EXACTLY I felt! Anyhow two power walks and two long dog walks actually helped to calm my nerves somewhat until ( yes there is always an until) after an hour of filling my new compost bins, a neighbour came to me to ask if I could move them all behind a hedge as they were ugly! I almost smacked her ! as she cannot actually SEE the field from her bungalow! let alone see the bins! anyhow as sweetly as I could I said I wouldn't move them as I had spent all afternoon filling them but I would screen them from the road as a concession. The neighbour started to get thin lipped and polite, but I was having none of it and marched off to watch Mildred Pierce trying manfully to climb the chicken coop roof.

The good news today was from fat fighters as I have now lost 30 lbs! ( a miracle as we went out for four meals last week) only 6 lbs to go! to target weight.) and from my friend Nige who has almost found a new house to live in in Manchester! Nu, however is still having a bloody awful time in Liverpool. Wish I could be more helpful.

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