Grbavica (2006)

Grbavica (2006) (English title Esma's Secret), showing tonight at Theatre Clwyd, is a tough, sad film set in modern day Sarajevo. The story seems fairly simple:- A single mother's story about her dead husband, a supposed former war hero, starts to be questioned by her twelve-year old daughter, with devastating consequences. The 1990s Balkan War haunts Esma's Secret like a depressing spectre, and it doesn't take long to realise that Esma (the mother in question) is one of the hundreds of rape survivors, whilst her daughter is the product of her assault. Not a fun film but a sensitive and moving one. The Balkin states always remind me of the poor areas of somewhere like Rhyl ( or is that visa versa?), all very industrial and grey! and very sad!
Wanted to catch up with Nu today as her mother is really poorly and the whole family is meeting in Liverpool, awful,awful time,

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