Being angry

Manure from Chris' farm is not the nicest thing to be spreading around but at least most of the allotment has been dug over and "seasoned"and I have dug some of the anger out of my system. I should have it all ready for planting out next week. So far I have planned for Second early potatoes,Main crop potatoes, carrots,beetroot,sweet corn,peas,French beans,broad beans,shallots and onions,garlic and raspberries and strawberries. I also intend to interplant the rows of vegetables with natural pesticides such as nasturstum and marigolds as well as growing a mass of sweet peas for cut flowers during the summer. I think this is a good comprehensive start and the list is by no means exhaustive as I have a set of closhes for things like lettuce and other salad crops.

Took the Finlay Memorial Cup into Rhyl to be engraved, walked up the Gop with Chris and went to see him ride Pippa ( and to nick some manure) Like me and Chris, she looks a bit slimmer than of late.

action shot (left), very atmospheric.

Had an altercation with two rough looking teens in Prestatyn high street this afternoon too that surprised sister Janet and Tim. They were pushing bikes along the pavement with no thought of pedestrians who wanted to get by. I challenged them to move and in true trailer trash style they started to swear and argue! Well they got more aggression back than they expected and looked shocked when I gave it right back to them and more. To be honest I rather shocked myself, and thought my outburst rather inappropriate. Funny how things catch you, and when I drove home I reflected on where the anger actually came from. Of course it is Finlay related, I had just been to the vets to pay our outstanding bill (85 £) and that bloody CHASING CARS song just had to be playing AGAIN, on the vet's office radio. A well meaning nurse and tried to say the right thing when I waited for my change and told me that everything had turned out for the best (meaning the final diagnosis), I am still not ready for others to tell me this, even though I know it is to be the truth, and the teens were on the recieving end of my grieving anger, as was the nurse who was flashed a "shut up-type" stare.
Going to "book" a Sheffield trip to see Nigel and Mike and Jane soon and tomorrow Chris and I are off to Osborn house in Llandudno for a non weightwatchers meal; both breaks will do me good.

1 comment:

  1. "Second early potatoes,Main crop potatoes...nasturtium and marigolds" Oh, heck! Thank goodness for Sainsbury's, that's all I can say. You make me remember that I'm such an urbanite...I kind of forget this sometimes. It sounds really great, but such hard work! Anyway, take care and look forward to the visit soon. x


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