A nice face

Bought some mats for the back of the Belingo and walked the dogs as per usual on the beach. Seeing that I am working an extra shift tonight ( as a sort of thank you for good off duty) felt like settling down to a good movie this afternoon.I found a dvd of The Missing (2003/I) in the bookshelf, it's an excellent old fashioned western with Tommy Lee Jones,Cate Blancette, and brilliant child actor Jenna Boyd-a good choice for an afternoon's indulgence.

Earlier as I was driving through Rhuddlan, I stopped at the roundabout and noticed an elderly far eastern man in the back of a car gazing outwards. He looked as though he was smiling and I couldn't help thinking what an open friendly face he had.
Some people are blessed with kind friendly faces no matter what mood they are in. My grandmother was one, I always thought that the actress Rosemary Harris (pic) is another! and this got me thinking ( like it does) of other's with a warm demeanour.
Several years ago I looked after a middle aged Hindu lady with a TB lesion of the spine. As ward manager , I kept her nursing care primarily carried out by female nurses as acute patients were nursed practically naked, but one day due to a shortage of staff I had to help turn her. I asked her permission to do so, and she agreed and I remember being struck by how serene this lady looked and how dignified she behaved. She had that gentle face that was so noticeable and I find it interesting that I remember her after so many years.
We talked during her brief stay with us (she quickly was transferred to the rehab ward) and I was surprised when, out of the blue one day she asked me if I had been close to my grandmother? I stated that I had and asked her why she had asked. She replied a bit strangely that "I had a look as if I had been". It was all a bit Lord of the rings!

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