Allotment planning ,To kill a Mocking bird and fatfighters

Picked the new hen house for the field, a split-level construction which looks bigger than my first house on Providence Road in Sheffield! It houses around 12 birds and my original house can fit in 5, so I hope to have almost 20 hens! in a fenced enclosure, and no they all will not have names!

My sister Ann has a large co-operative allotment working well in Prestatyn and will give me her crop rotation plans! so I will be learning from all their mistakes!

Called into HMV when I went to Llandudno today and picked up a copy of To Kill A Mockingbird on DVD for five quid. I always remember the quote!

(Atticus Finch): If you just learn a single trick, Scout, you'll get along a lot better with all kinds of folks. You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view...Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it.

Looking forward to watch it later! Gregory Peck at his best!

Me and Carole are off to weightwatchers tomorrow night and I am glad for the company as it is easy not to go when the wind is blowing and the rain is lashing! (oh and if there is a watchable prog on tv!!)

1 comment:

  1. To Kill a Mockingbird is one of my favourite books (hmm, I see a list coming on), although I've never seen the movie. The history of the book is interesting, as was Harper Lee's relationship with Truman Capote - indeed, the ghost of Truman as a child can be found in the character 'Dill' in the book (I don't know if he's in the film). My favourite part of the book is during the school induction, where the poverty of the children is subtly exposed, and the sparkle of maple syrup in buckets plays on the schoolroom ceilings. x


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