My boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...........................................

I am a visual person, so to speak and not a verbal one !, so I found it strange that one tiny phrase has stuck in my mind over the past few days. Obviously Chris and I have no children, but often when Finlay sits on my knee in his needy way I always refer to him as.... "My boy!". I only noticed this fact tonight , and it is weird that when Chris is down, tearful or ill I refer to him as "my boy " as well! especially when I give him a kiss on the forehead in one of those paternal type ways...................... I thought tonight of where this term of endearment comes from and it took me only a few minutes to realise that it comes from my gran. !

During my grandfather's funeral ( a real roller coaster of an experience ...that actually Incorporated a car crash in Prestatyn high street!) I remember the coffin being wheeled out of the Church! As the coffin lurched a little over the uneven stone floor , I will always remember my grandmother calling out " My boy....oh........ my poor boy!" It was a sudden moment of intimacy that hurt the entire congregation with its closeness and its pain and I guess it struck with me an emotion more powerfull that I ever expected . I guess it will always be with me....well , and with Chris and little Fin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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