Eddie Mair,the old girls win at the golden globes! and a large tin of custard

I do like Eddie Mair. I used to enjoy his soft, humorous voice every Sunday morning, when he presented Broadcasting House. PM, the BBC news flagship on radio 4, is obviously not as witty and satirical as his former show, but he did manage to raise a smile from me (difficult after 3 hours sleep after night shift) as he discussed the Golden Globe winners ( or more importantly for the BBC, which Brits won what!? and fu*k the Americans)

I was thrilled to hear that Meryl Streep and fellow middle aged thesp Helen Mirren won a fist full of awards! at the Golden Globes, and well deserved they were too!, Middle aged women seem to be making a resurgence in Hollywood nowadays what with Susan Sarandon, Jessica Lange, Diane Keaton, Annette Benning, Sigourney Weaver and Judi Dench all bubbling in the wings ! Both Mirren and Streep looked absolutely fabulous !!! ( By the way Susan Sarandon's family originte in North Wales)
Cold today and guess what?.......it is very rainy! settled down in front of the fire and tv with some Bird's custard and lots of telephone calls !. First night in for a week!!!

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