A Chicken run,mushrooms & Cow pats nightmareS

Nightmare ! Whilst cleaning out the chicken run this morning, I must have left one side loose ! and as I was loading the car with dogs, one of the hens ( I can never work out who is Robina and who is Sarah) could be seen poking her head round the corner of the run, ready to break to freedom! She looked rather cool and calm, so I thought if I edged ever so slowly around in full view I could persuade her to dart back into the run. I stepped forward one step..she stepped back one ! I climbed over the gate, she blinked a couple of times!, I stepped another step and without a change of expression she put her head down and galloped like road runner on a mission across the orchard with me in hot pursuit. I won't bore you with the details of her capture, but it entailed several weetabix , alot of begging and an hour and a half!

Planting mushrooms is a disgusting practice as the compost reeks to high heaven. Please forgive the pink gloves. Hopefully in a few weeks we will have a crop!

To calm down after the chicken incident, took the dogs (including George, who is walking very well on the lead) up The Gop, minutes into the walk all four of them found a cow pat! It was one of those sloppy wet ones with a greenish crust ! and obviously totally irresistible to terriers! Finlay swallow dived into its centre, Meg just started to eat it ! (gross) and Maddie not to be left out waded like a fat old woman at the beach. George alone remained clean! It took me over an hour to bath them all on our return to the cottage.

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