At last!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE SUN

No rain, no rain!!!!...................finally a cold dry morning!!!! Pity I can't get into the garden and field as the ground is still sodden, but at least everything looks so much better. Friend Jonney H in sheffield says he wants a view from Wynyard road, and just realised how lucky we are with this one.

1 comment:

  1. Hi John

    What beautiful country. My Dad was from Scotland. I have a cousin who lives in Portsmouth who asks me from time to time to stop by and someday I'll make a trip over to visit.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog today, I read your bit on Mrs Miniver. It was one of my Mum's favorite films. She loved Greer Garson's acting. She also always talked about Random Harvest, and I finally got to see it on Christmas Eve.

    Must dash off, and get ready for church.

    I'll be back for another visit


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