The art of being polite!

Well surprise surprise Shilpa Shetty won big brother. I think at the end of this sorry tale, Shetty really won the moral argument, not because of her race, but because of her breeding. She might of been a diva; certainly I think she was pompous at times and obviously liked to control her environment and the other ,shall we say, denser members of the house, but she carried herself at all times rather stylishly and was always polite and courteous. I know we can all compare her with Jade Goody (hard but ugly personality) and Danielle (dirty mouth), and it will always smack of Beauty and the Beast yet Shetty clearly has manners and how refreshing is that?

Politeness to strangers seems to be a thing of the past, today I was in the supermarket I don't usually go to. The woman on the till got rather exasperated with me when I paused to put my purchases into the carrier bag. "You are supposed to put your stuff in a trolley and wheel it away to pack your bags!" she snapped. No smile, no gentle request, no kiss me on the arse or nothing! She was taken aback somewhat when I stopped short and gave her one of my best "You are nothing!" looks and asked sweetly "why are you so rude?" The sad fact is , when she replied "I wasn't being rude", she actually did believe it! Thank god for the pair old ladies behind me who stage whispered "She was rather sharp ! wasn't she?"
Give me Shettys anytime over the Jade Goodys of this world.
Getting excited, as nu's wedding creeps closer! sorted out her wedding pressie, which I hope he and Jim will like. There has been a few last minute cock ups but on the whole things are going well! Still pleased as punch at giving her away.

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