Jet lag

Perhaps I am getting old but I am definately not "bounching back" after a night shift as quickly as I used to. Had three hours sleep this morning and was woken by Joan who was puking all over the patchwork quilt! As I came down stairs Meg was destroying the cat flap as two horses were being ridden down the lane! I felt awfull ! jet lag after nights sometimes hits you like a brick wall, and try as I might I found it hard to get going today! At 5pm finally got my arse into gear and took the dogs for a long walk. The weather has been crisp and bright ,so took my camera around the village.

St Michael's church at Trelawnyd is first recorded in 1291 and there is evidence to suggest that in origin it goes back into the early medieval period. The present church was built in 1724 and heavily restored in the 19thC. It contains a late medieval roof and part of a sepulchral slab but little else of early date. It occupies a sub-rectangular churchyard, which is notable for a 14thC churchyard cross (right) and a rare 18thC hooded tomb. The cross was used as a meeting place for local farm labourers and workers who used to meet to be "picked" by farm managers for a days work.

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