Certain thigs remind you that you are getting older! Yesterday was going out and noticed that both hens had dissapeared. In my haste to check where they were (they had climbed back up into their roosting area), I tripped over the low gate which leads into their field. Glasses went one way, dignaty went another, and I felt my back pull . By 6 o'clock I had trouble getting my socks on to get bready for work and by 4 am this morning I was in agony at work. So I limped down to A & E and got prodded and poked by a 12 year old house officer and sent home with valium and diclofenac. I have just woken up and walked the dogs, and feel as though a small elephant has been tap dancing on my spine all night. Feeling sorry for myself as even sitting on the loo was not a nice experience! Chris still in Boston so I havent even got anyone to put my socks on!!

Postscript: How is this for a wierd "twin " thing, Janet is off sick today...........with..........yes..........you've guessed it Lower back pain, did I may add, the same day at the same time as I did mine!!!
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