My first experience

Well after 24 years as a nurse, I have for the first time used the primary care system to obtain a sick note for work! and my experience of my local GP practice has been a mixed one!. I still had a problem getting my socks on this morning, so decided to book to see my GP so I could get some more Volterol. My conversation with the receptionist went as follows

Me: "I wish to make an appointment to see a doctor"

Receptionist: "We have a computer failure so we are not giving out appointments at present"

Me "So what do I do?"

Receptionist: " you can come down and wait to see a doctor, but I cannot promise you see someone quickly"

Me : "How long roughly is the wait?"

Receptionist :(frostily) "depends on how many people turn up"

Me: "What if I was an old person, who had trouble getting into the surgery?"

Receptionist: (sighing and thinking I have got a real trouble maker here!) "It's the computer problem I can not help the problem"

Me: "When will the computer problem be rectified?"

Receptionist: " it has been down for 2's a virus, also we cannot give perscriptions out for 72 hours, I am afraid"

Me : "So you are telling me I may not be seen if I come down and wont get any painkillers for three days after I have been seen?"

Receptionist: " Yes"

Me: " Do you think this is an acceptable service?"

Receptionist: "Huh?"

At that point I gave up.
Anyhow as it happened I did get seen quickly and the doctor was very thorough and professional. Surprise surprise my blood pressure was elevated, so I have decieded to loose weight and get back in shape! so the visit was fortunate just on that level.

Sad news last night, Nuala's Mum very sick in Liverpool, so she is coming up from London today. I hope to go over to see her later to offer a bit of support.

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