Snakes,Copper mines and a British dinner party

After a busy couple of night shifts on Wednesday and Thursday got up on Friday and cleaned and tidied the house before Nigel came to visit. Went to the pictures and sat through two hours of bad (but entertaining) cinema, ie, Snakes on a plane! The film gave what it said on the front of the tin, we had lots of poisonous snakes on a 747! Nuff said! We had an excellent laugh, especially when Samuel L Jackson said (tongue firmly in his cheek) "Lets get these Motherfucking snakes off this mother fucking plane" Nice to see former ER actress Julianna Margulies , looking her age, but looking mighty fine playing the chief stewardess!

Saturday we went to Llandudno prehistoric coppermines, and the amazing history and feeling of the place was truly impressive. The mine was only "found" in 1987 and is said to be the largest in Europe! Strange given the fact that the Great Orme ( the peninsula that Llandudno nestles around) was in fact in prehistoric times an island.

After the mines, we went to Conway for a plate of welsh rabit, then back for a short snooze before going to Ann and Tims for a meal, with Janet and Ned which was lovely. we sat outside talking after the meal with lots of blankets and umbrellas, and feeling like a trio of fat bastards got back home for midnight.

As always it was great to catch up with Nige. Even though he actually photographed the state of the inside of our car to show on his blog site......oh the shame!!!

Am on night shift Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, and then I go part time in readiness for University..............b l i s s !

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