Been planning the new garden also! cannot do anything else as the top soil has still not appeared, so spent a while at Jackson's picking various cottage garden herbaceous plants such as Euphorbia and anemomes (bottom picture). So I have quite a nice selection of plants all ready, but NO SOIL!!!
Pleased with this picture of yellow flowers as it is one of my planters by the back door! can't remember the name of the plant but I have just bought around ten plants to screen the hen house when it is returned to its rightful place in the back garden!

I have entered my baskets and planters in the Trelawnyd flower show, so have been busy buffing everything up for when the judges amble by!! no sign of any elderly matronly types with clip boards as yet, but I would like to think I have a bit of a chance!..Later , on our tea time walk I am off to suss out the opposition!!

Tomorrow I am off to the dentist! Managed to find one in Holywell of all places that is taking new patients! I could have gone to Rhyl, but couldn't bring myself ! I am gearing myself for University at the moment , so am getting all those jobs "that cost" out of the way! Hence the wall, garden,plants and decoration!!!
Our old neighbours from Cefn-y-gryrch Glenys and Geoff are comming up soon to decorate our bathroom with a bargain wallpaper from Laura Ashley! They are a sparky retired couple that never stop talking and laughing...watch the blog for their picture soon, they're priceless!!!
Good luck with your pots. The plants look very healthy. I feed mine with Tomato feed when I can remember.