Well I have been an Archers fan for several years and listen every evening if I can......certainly I try to listen uninterupted on a Sunday morning.

I love the history and normality of it all ( and tend not to participate in storylines like the Ed, Will, and Emma triangle)........some of the fun is recognizing storylines months before they actually arrive ( ie. Usha & The Rev) and (Ruth and Sam's unrequited love!!!)

My favourite characters are Jill ( a voice like chocolate),Clarrie ( you can't put a good farmer's wife down),Phil (In our day we did..................), Brian ( sooo bad tempered)and Nigel (twit) , but my all time favourite is that fag hag, with a laugh that can cut bread, Lilian!!!

It took a while to work out Caroline, from Janet ( the previous vicar),and from Shula, but got there in the end................

Characters which I dont like are Kirsty ( b o r i n g), Tom Archer ( whining git--sorry Nigel), Kate Aldridge (brat) and Elizabeth ( I could smack the pompous cow).

The writing can be transparant at times but little gems of brilliant and often moving scenes shine through ( when Phil Archer breaks down with a sick Elizabeth). It is the only soap I enjoy


  1. Hey John, Aaron here. Thanks for the comment on my blog (grace under pressure). I am still new to all this stuff and did not know to check out a "neighbor's" blog!

    Best wishes,


  2. I agree that there can be touching scenes (and a silent nod to social awkwardness - for example the aching dementia story-arc concerning Jack), but I also feel that sometimes the actors don’t quite trust the scriptwriters to be consistent with their on-air lives. There are too many threads left untied at times, and although some are re-established successfully, many sink without trace. I’d like to think this is perhaps some reflection on the delicate narrative of everyday life; in reality however, I’m more inclined to believe that it’s casual editing and a relentless script/record cycle.

    As for the characters, there is a clear split between older/younger in my preferences. I have little time in general for the younger characters, particularly the manipulative busybodies that are Kirsty and Fallon. Strangely, though, I do like Kenton. You’d think I’d find him shallow and rather selfish; I actually find him quite endearing, because I don’t think he really means any harm by his haplessness; he simply doesn’t think things through sometimes, that’s all. The characters of Ian and Adam, however, I find to be both insulting and patronising, and frankly they need de-scripting before they permanently scar Ambridge with their tokenistic, hetero-sexualized whimsy.

    Happily, the older characters don’t take themselves quite so seriously, and nor do they insult the audience in trying to do so. Lynda is simply fabulous, and the knowing, prickly banter between Lilian and Matt is camp and shameless entertainment. David and Ruth are quite affable too, although their kids are horrible, spoilt little creatures. I actually quite like Brian, and sometimes find him frustratingly precise, except when it comes to his emotional relationship with the excruciatingly patient Jennifer. I could go on, but I’m starting to believe that it’s all real…


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