Weigh ins are on a Monday morning.
Like an old boxer before a fight I stand on the kitchen scales in my under crackers
And pray I’m the desired weight.
This week I’ve lost 6.2 lbs
There’s a lot to be said for a diabetic diet.
I have a busy week before going to see Nu next Monday
I’ve been distant with her which has been related to me not feeling well, a complicated reaction to a physical malaise.
I’ve felt ashamed at my weight gain, my lethargy and my need to hide away and
She has been patient with me, just waiting for me to return or not, without drama or guile
So I’m returning to London next Monday to see her and to take her to the theatre.
In between now and seeing her, I’m busy. Today after taking Trendy Carol’s Hubby for a hospital appointment, I’m going to my counselling centre to complete the miles of paperwork demanded of us “ counsellors”. Tomorrow I’m in University then I’m having my personal counselling later afternoon. My 80 year old counsellor has been ill since Christmas, only bouncing back to work this week.
I’ve missed her Irish brogue and quiet wit, and now have the energy to climb the steep stairs to her cold apartment where we sit infront of the fire and talk.
Wednesday I’m working a full day shift at the hospice and Thursday I’m seeing clients in MIND.
Friday I’m on a one off night shift, a favour to a colleague
Monday we are going to see the return of My Neighbour Totoro which wowed the west end over two years ago now, it will be lovely if we enjoy it. But theatre doesn’t matter much really, it’s Nu , who I’m going to see