Nothing Day

 I’m going to quiet on Going Gently for a few days
I will be on night shifts some extra to cover staff absences.
The extra money will be useful . 
It’s minus 2 here today and I’m going back to bed soon as a sleep before night shifts is the only way I make it through nowadays.
The Welsh love this siesta time and climb under the duvet with enthusiasm 
It’s antisocial though and for the next five days I’m not going to see a soul save for people at work
I hate that
I had brunch at sainsburys  
And lit the fire when I got home 



I’m back counselling today. 
It was icy and road conditions were difficult, but I got to MIND early, had a zoom meeting with my supervisor then saw clients until three.
My head was full, so I dropped into the one and only Starbucks ( something I never do ) for a coffee, ham something and a self debrief.
The coffee house was filled by women and girls on laptops.
I sat and made mental notes about my clients, that way you leave the emotions they share with you at the door. Having Said this there is always the moment you can pick those emotions up and that’s a real no no Human , but a no no. 
If you have a headache after facilitating therapy, you need to roll the emotions out away from yourself 
The coffee and ham sandwich helped.
So did the self debrief.
An open window left screamingly open in the icy air clears the head too.
I bought coffee logs from Lidl and cheap scented candles from the reduced price shelf beforehand but the bustle didn’t help my reboot , so Starbucks here’s to you, no blaring music, quiet corners to hide away in
Few screaming kids
I watched the Baristas and thought about the fires in California 
A sequence where some homeowners were leading their horses to safety amid a flurry of sparks only to be “interviewed” by an over zealous insensitive reporter came to mind
It’s a mad world
Having said this, this reported showed much welcomed humanity when coming across a young man fleeing his burning house with hardly anything…..

Roger Brings Them Home

 It is a terribly icy last night.
After a rather lacklustre Archers episode, I marshalled the Welsh and took them out of the living room front door for a wee walk. 
I thought I had shut the door behind us

The lane was dangerously icy, and in the dark we had to shelter in Trendy Carol’s drive to let some farm traffic to roar through. The dogs weed on patches of snow by the sheep gate on tip toe and as I waited, Roger barked at something towards the cottage, something in the dark as the lane light was still out of order. 
Tottering into view came the twins. 
Wide eyed and panicked on their first venture outside
I hurried back, fearful of more traffic, and let Roger pull forward 
He dropped his head and Bun quickly rubbed it with hers 
And both kittens followed Roger home as me and Mary brought up the rear 

- September

I can’t dance
Never have been able to.
Some of that is my dyspraxia 
Mostly I have a limited sense of rhythm 
And a huge dollop of self consciousness 

The last time I danced was with a patient at her request
She asked me about my bucket list and I mentioned dancing
She shared it was one of her wishes to dance again
As it turned out she had less than a week to live

So she asked me to dance, a funny silly little dance
Me in my navy uniform, she in pyjamas and fluffy slippers 
And we danced in her room after pushing a set of drawers against the door so no one else could see.

Fuck You


Weaver remains aloof with me and darn right aggressive  with the Welsh. 
If she was human, she would be termed as a damaged adolescent 
She certainly has issues.
She clearly loves her sister 
And just occasionally she will allow me an ear scratch but only when I’m supine in bed
But if the dogs are in any close proximity, she is a tiger, a Shere Khan, crossed with Vicky Pollard
If she could speak she’d be yelling FUCK YOU 
With her middle claw extended
Before punching you smartly in the face.
Oh the shame of owning a daughter with such problems 
Is she A Bad Seed? Roseanne’s Darlene? Dolores  Umbridge ? A Bette Davies Baby Jane? 

Bun remains sweet, and acts as though she should be wearing a gingham dress and pigtails 
Weaver I bet is upstairs pulling the wings off flies. 
It’s a shame
I will be letting them loose on the village soon

Gawd help us all

When I’m Calling You!!

 Blogging to me is a bit like a one sided chat
Sometimes it’s a deeper conversation
Sometimes it’s a lecture
Sometimes it’s a bit of whimsy
I can’t stand blogs that tells its audience what it thinks of them
The trip to work last night was dreadful but I drove 30 miles praying that Bluebell’s dodgy windscreen wiper wouldn’t come loose again
It did, of course.
These things always do.
I’m day dreaming of my bed 
I love my new duvet. 
I cleaned it and the bedding the day before Colin arrived so it’s still fragrant and devoid of kitten paws 
It’s calling to me like Rose Marie belting out the Indian Love Call to Sergeant  Bruce
I won’t be long my love
I call back



I’m on night shift so am just going back to bed 
Hopefully it will be clearer later

Takeaway and lunch

 My friend Colin came over from Liverpool last night and we drank wine, ate a Chinese takeaway and gossiped. He’s a true cat person so Bun and Weaver made a bee line for him.
I was jealous 

This afternoon I went to the Mostyn Gallery to see the works by Greek painter Apostolos Georgiou

After popping into Waterstones I met my friends Ben and Ruth for lunch at Providero ( soup to die for ) and left earlyish to get home before the snow warning

# nice weekend