Curved Ball

I should have known better.
In the last post I mentioned that I've not been worried about the animals
And a few hours later my sister rings with the news that George has something wrong with his jaw.
A sudden foul smelling mass which looks suspect according to the vet who examined him
The Prof and I tried so very hard to smile through a family dinner tonight
But I suspect we failed miserably. 


I thought I would repeat the holiday selfie 
The Prof ( note both Roger Moore Eyebrows are pinched) the Dowager Sorrel and me 

Today is father's day
Having divorced parents means separate days and separate visits when on holiday, so today we are off to the Kent countryside for a mooch and a pub meal with Richard doing the driving.
We've picked the has lamb scotch eggs on the menu...

The weather is just about to break and there is rain in the air. Unfortunately part of my shinbone resembles corned beef, from too much sun yesterday.
But I thought that at least I fitted in with the great blobs of burnt East End flesh on show on the sand.
I've just realised that  Londoners don't seem to " do" full sunshine very well.

Yesterday Laura from somewhere in the midwest asked me if I was missing the animals and I must say that I have not.
I havent because, like the mother of five toddlers who has got an unexpected pass out to a local bar for the first time,  it's just wonderful to be able to rest your mind and energy  and not worry about something four legged or feathered.
The animals are all in good hands.

Over the last few days I have watched overwrought parents trying to cater for demanding scraps of children 24/7.
It looks a thankless task.
Tantrums and tears, worries over drowning, sunburn, accidents, bad behaviour, and "I've told you before get off that friggin harbour wall" looks and feel exhausting!
I didn't envy many of those  harassed and tired faces, so in need of a quiet child free holiday of their own.

I have the right your kids out to kind neighbours, loving friends, supportive family and failing that bung em in a high security home for the bewildered for 20 quid a night!
You can always keep up to date on what's happening over facebook!
Over a perfectly relaxing cup of coffee!

Winnie in her pristine holiday home! 
White furniture and floor with bulldogs? 

Holiday Selfie


No it's not the Blue's Brothers but a rare-as-hens teeth screen shot of the Prof with his nephew on the rides at Broadstairs Water Gala.
The Prof has a small family compared to mine and one which is run on very different lines as you would expect. it's dynamics are interesting to watch and invariably this leads me to think of my own family and parenting, even though, I am now technically an orphan.
The Prof's family are more sedate than mine, I shared this fact a day or so ago
Mine can ( and were) quite raucous after a small sherry or three and The Prof reminded me of this fact as he recalled our wedding reception.
I think he enjoys my family's silliness

Anyhow,it looks like another warm day here on the Kent Coast and I am going to a second hand bookshop to buy something I can really get my teeth in as the beach hut calls us yet again
I shall leave you with an emailed photo from teenage boffin Cameron who has been overseeing the field. Daryl, Abe and Glen are looking mighty fine!

Health & Safety

It's water gala day here in Broadstairs today which historically, from what I can gather was always a good natured It's a knockout! 
Water Gala Day used to mean Millers and Sweeps fighting on the beach with soot and flour. burly men pulling at each other in  tugs of war...and good looking blokes swinging at each other over a greasy poles! 
Yes all good clean English fun! 
Now Health and Safety has moved in even Neptune ( who used to wade into the bay, all glorious and wet) now has to be ferried onto land by rubber dingy, presumably hiding a life jacket under his seaweed! 

Lie In

Our beach hut is around the 8th from the left! 

Broardstairs is picture postcard pretty!
We opened up the beach hut for a few hours yesterday afternoon and watched the shenanigans of seaside life which included a very inebriated Network Rail worker sharing school boy homophobic jokes with our neighbours!
I couldn't take too much umbrage with him as he seemed like a genuiningly nice bloke

Today , I think I shall sleep on the beach.
I was hoping for a lie in, what with no little ( and big) dog babies demanding walks and such like but the low level yap-yap-yap  of a neighbours dog combined with a different bed and the hysterical screeching of the herring gulls around 5am all conspired against restful slumber.

I have eyes like piss holes in snow this morning!

But, the sun is out.
The sky is blue,
My coffee is strong
And I'm writing to you!

Hey ho!

Poor Blogger

I've been a poor specimen of a blogger over the last few days.
Not replying to my comments seem send some fellow writers into a state of near hysterical apoplexy, such is the transgression from blogging etiquette.
But we are on holiday for a week, so I shall endeavour to catch up with things on an ad hoc basic as the Prof and I enjoy the Kent coast.
So, what happens to the animals when we are away I hear you ask?
Well we have a cottage sitter who looks after the house with animal helper Pat overseeing Albert care. Sailor John and Village elder Islwyn are sharing field duties with teenage boffin Cameron acting as back up and very shortly I shall be taking Mary and William to their Kennels .
Yesterday George, in his usual jaunty way, bounced into my sister's house for his week of pampering and the fat diva, after my facebook plea for a local homely bed and breakfast has settled down quite nicely thank you very much in the home of a work friend .
This was her facebook photo from last night

How loyalties can shift once the man of the house is cooking roast beef!


George and The Prof are sunbathing on the lawn. winnie is cooling her nipples on the cold concrete of the path and Mary is tied to the metal chair by the front door to keep her out of trouble.
William has retired to the cool cttage interior and is curled up on the easy chair.
Albert is over in the churchyard stalking rabbits
And I am watching it all as theChurch bell sounds off to herald afternoon sevice

What are you doing this Sunday afternoon