Waifs & Strays ( and something that blows your Tits off)

The Montana Clematis over the back gate

I was just photographing the clematis arch in the back garden when a man in a van turned up with a sob story

Ten minutes later two more waifs have found themselves a bed at Bwthyn- y-llan this morning and a rather pathetic pair they are too.
An immature, but perfectly tame light Sussex cockerel stood guard over a lame hen with a deformed leg when I first peered in at them and there was something rather powerful in how  frightened but how together the two were that although I have been strict with taking in new animals over the past few months I told their owner that yes, I would take them.

A strangely calm and very tame newbee
I have called him Max 

This afternoon, I am need of a lie down in a dark room. With The Prof working away again, I treated myself to an afternoon showing of "Mad Max- Fury Road" which I can simply describe as a sci-fi Chase Western on acid!
It's a film that BLOWS YOUR TITS OFF!
So much better than Mel, UK's own Tom Hardy

Based loosely on the original 1981 Mad Max - The Road Warrior , this updated and unrelenting actioneer has a mean and moody Tom Hardy in the mean and moody Mel Gibson role.
 Eclipsing him, rather surprisingly, is  a shaven headed,  Charlize Theron as the one armed, tough-as-fuck warrior Imperator Furiosa, who teams up with Max after she has saved the pregnant wives of an evil dictator
of a war ravaged, post apocalyptic Australian wasteland. The dictator, Immorten Joe, wants his girls back and during almost every minute of the two hour running tome we see a whole collection of weird and wonderful set pieces as the baddies chase and battle the goodies .
Team Max has a look of the Trelawnyd village ladies

Its exhausting rubbish of course, but it is remarkably entertaining rubbish...... thanks primarily to the special effects, a rather refreshing band of elderly lady bikers who help Max's group out and to Hardy and Theron who have some great chemistry on screen.


The rest of the day got better
I cooked a pork dinner at teatime
After falling asleep covered in dogs on the couch

I woke up to a Scottish Terrier licking cauliflower cheese sauce from my beard
Bloody hell , he has bad breath

Cheesy Smile

It's a grey miserable , depressing morning.
I'm tired
I am in need a bit of a laugh because 
I've just dropped the remains of a cauliflower cheese I was going to have for my breakfast on the kitchen floor.
So enjoy the photo
( I ate the cauliflower btw)

Letter From Trelawnyd

I didnt get to reply to yesterday's comments
I worked last night at the hospital and am due back on a full night shift again tonight
so I am off to bed , leaving the harrumphing Prof in charge of 
Bwthyn y llan.
I've asked him not to ring the Church bell for very long as I hope to be in full REM  sleep mode by 
11 am , but he told me that Christine Davies will be pulling the bell rope!

I saw Gaynor the mad organist yesterday who told me off for referring to her as " mad" on the blog
so, suitable chastised,  from now on I shall refer to her only as " Gaynor the wisecracking Organist" 
Anyway she thinks that the village meal thing to raise funds is a good idea and will think about my request for her to play the village Hall's piano decked out in an evening frock and long white gloves as the villagers are sipping their pre meal sherry!
I am sure I can dig a tiara out from somewhere for her to wear!
I'll tell her she can keep her tips!
Gaynor in her salad days

I've booked a Flower Show meeting for the 3rd of June at Auntie Glad's
All but one of the judges have confirmed but
I have yet to hear from old Mrs Roberts, the cookery judge who runs her judging stricter than any
senior member of the Gestapo, so I hope the old dear hasn't pegged it since the last show

Oh the responsibility!

Right, enough of this drivel, I have fed and watered the animals and am just about to creep under a cool duvet......it's time to disappear...I can hear The Prof swearing at something disgusting he has just found on the kitchen floor
Hey ho

Wind Problems

The view of Trelawnyd nestled in the lee of Gop Hill ( look closely)
Photo taken from Marian Mawr across the valley

Across the valley from us lies the large prosperous farm of Marian Mawr. The only contact we have with them is during hay making when their farm trucks roar up and down the lane from their fields on this side of the village, the trailers occasionally clipping our stone wall or the wall by the Ukrainian Village's gate.
A few days ago, a huge white wind turbine has appeared in one of the fields below the farm. It towers 43 metres above the valley side and can be seen quite clearly, dominating the view from Trelawnyd against the backdrop of the Clwydian Hills behind.
I think it's quite beautiful.
The view West from our bedroom window
Its not a great photo but the turbine can just be seen to the right in the distance
The Ukrainian Village lies on the left
The Ukrainian Village

But, I think it's visual impact lies in the fact that is that it is a single white windmill set against a sea of green. A whole "farm" of turbines would be a very different matter, especially as the valley has been deemed an" area of outstanding beauty" by the Welsh Government.
I can see perfectly why Marian Mawr's owner, Alec Morris, has built the turbine. With 300 dairy cattle to milk and with soaring energy costs, he is insuring the future of a large family farm , but the question now arises, just how many of these massive windmills will start to creep into view along the Clwydian Hills and beyond!

I am in the process of marshalling the troops so whilst out for a walk we can photgraph the windmill
Winnie has other ideas

Lesbian Lists

I saw BUNTY yesterday afternoon. The strong armed lesbian smallholder from Llanfair T H had collected some bantams from a breeder in Cheshire and stopped to water them on the way home.
I showed her my wedding ring before she even left her land rover and she boomed a massive
" FUCK ME!" through the window before congratulating me with a painful bearhug.
She may look and act like a North American lumberjack, but I've always known that she is soft as butter.
I have known many lesbian couples in my lifetime, but I can't think of a singleton dyke that I have befriended. Lesbians , in my experience, are not single for very long...they prefer being a part of an often intense, inclusive and  loving  relationship.

Years ago, when I was with a previous partner,  We use to " double date" with a painfully intense couple called Sue & Helen.  You know the sort, they were a couple who would kiss and " mew mew" at each other 24/7 if you let them and I remember that once during a dinner party of nut loaf and bean curds ,Helen showed me a life sized sculpture she had made of Sue's vulva !
I never liked either of them

Another long term lesbian twosome we used to know was Jo and Liz. These two always had a lit scented candle floating in a golden bowl filled with water on top of the piano, which signified the constant nature of the love they had for each other.
I always had the urge to throw up in that golden bowl

Micky & Sig own lots of cats, drink too much wine and clearly love each other dearly  and are perhaps the most " normal" of the couples we know and only today I got a phone call from Pam & Mal ( the lesbians with  tremendous DIY skills who constructed two of my donated hen houses in a matter of minutes) They invited us to a nibbles and drinks do  after they get married tomorrow!


Good Food Keeps People Happy

It's a foodie kind of day today.
I had forgotten that there was a Church fund raising spring Lunch organised in the Memorial hall around noon today and had already organised to meet my sister in law for lunch at the Potting Shed Cafe at Jackson's garden centre just outside the village.Feeling guilty I popped in to the Hall before I went,  paid my 10£ and collected my lunches as a takeaway, Chris can have them for his tea tonight.

The Vicar is looking for new ideas to raise funds in the village and I see that Chris has already told him and the PCC that I ( me!) will be organising something later in the year .( which was nice of him)
I am toying with the idea of organising a Village supper at the Hall, something warming and fun in the Autumn when the entire village can be invited . A lunch is fine but as most people work during the day, only the grey hairs and lucky old pongos like me can attend....

The food today at the Spring Lunch was simple and tasty, and all was served at tables covered with neat white tablecloths and small vases filled with spring flowers  and I suggested that the Church ladies could have provided a much better funeral tea for Bob's funeral on Tuesday instead of the dreadful spread put on by the village pub, The Crown, which is now under new management.
Bob's family was mortified by the "buffet" which consisted of a few cold pizza slices, tired egg sandwiches , sausage rolls and crisps and I felt their embarrassment acutely. Grieving people need a funeral to run smoothly and without complication and feeding mourners well, is not rocket science.
You provide good tasty food and make sure there's a lot of it.

I'm now warming to the idea of the supper in the hall thing
Here is a couple of photos of a recent wedding held at the hall....I want indoor bunting for this Year's flower Show!.....bunting would look nice at any hall meal too!
Time for the flower show committee to invest me thinks

Dipping One's Nipples In The River

I know , I know, it's shameless but I promise to get to the nipple thing in a moment
It's a beautiful day today, warm and sunny.
The Prof is still somewhat weakened by his shitty experience and is working in his office with the heating full blast and with coffee on tap, me and the animals have been outside .
In the garden the Welsh poppies are in flower and look glorious

The garden Welsh Poppies

With the day so warm , I took the dogs out along the only major river near us, which is the River Elwy at St Asaph. You have to be careful with Bulldogs in hot weather for they over heat dreadfully so the riverside is ideal for Winnie, who has a novel way of cooling down when things get tough.
She walks into the Water and when the cold water reaches nipple height ( which for Winnie is only a few inches off the ground) she stands there smacking her chops with a contented look upon her face.
Nipples must lose heat better than anywhere me thinks!
I didnt have my ipad on me today to record this behaviour but a passing woman with a constipated Yorkshire terrier  did stop and took a photo with her smart phone.
Perhaps she was jealous?
Women readers who may enjoy a quick " nipple dunk" may be able to help me here?

The River Elwy at St Asaph

Anyhow , I've also realised that I am self appointed village sad sack as today was the day that I went
around the two village noticeboards with my trusty allen key and celotape in order to tidy the notices
up. I know it's nothing to do with me but it appeals to my " small town " sensibilities

Anyhow , I'll leave you with a movie recommendation .
Go and see the film X+Y
It's a sweet film which tells the story of  Nathan ( Asa Butterfield) a teenage mathematics genius who lives for the day to be picked to represent Britain in the International Mathamatic Olympiad .
Nathan has autism , and cannot relate physically and socially to his recently widowed mother ( Sally Hawkins) nor to his fellow students and teachers, but salvation appears for both mother and son with the arrival of a slovenly and depressed home teacher  ( Rafe Small) who despite having multiple sclerosis, reluctantly agrees to school Nathan in preparation for the Olympiad finals .

Asa Butterfield and Sally Hawkins 

This is a little gem of a movie, made even better by some wonderful performances  by the three leads. 
Butterfield is heartbreaking as a boy who only makes sense of a world of numbers and fractions  as is 
Hawkins who is desperate to be able to break through to her son as both are grieving for a much 
loved husband and father, but it is Rafe Small's  wisecracking turn as the overwhelmingly depressed mentor that  almost steals the film.
Unfortunately,  the film plumps for a sentimental ending where  mother and son contact  emotionally ( a slightly  unrealistic situation for a deeply austic boy to be able to do)  but I have to say it did please me through the tears! 
A cracking movie 8/10