Ten Years An Asian Lab Tech

I worked part time on Intensive Care for over ten years and for most of that time had another member of staff's face on my ID card.
I must admit, I was at fault there as the clerk who was originally responsible for giving me the card had underlined that I should only use it as long as the " machine" responsible for making them had been fixed.
But there was my name on the ID proclaiming that I was an ITU Nurse
Underneath a photo of a robust, handsome Asian man in his thirties who was sporting a full beard.
I never bothered to change it.
I liked my alter ego's " look"
Perhaps it's says a lot about apathy and lax security within the NHS that not one person pulled me up on my unlikely ID photo.
Ok I got a few double glances from relatives when they strained their necks in order to remember my name, but at no time did anyone say
" That's not you!" 
Even the security guard who I turned the card into on the day I left the trust never said a word.
He just glanced at the photo then looked at me and sighed

Stir Crazy

Sunday has slipped by almost unnoticed
I'm going a bit stir Crazy.
Last night I joined the family for a meal and only managed to stay until 9.30pm before giving up the ghost..it's no fun having dinner party chat when no one can understand what you are saying.
I felt short changed as for the past 18 months any family activity was overshadowed by my moods.
Now I feel brighter, it seems ironic the night was scuppered by being poorly.

I drank three large gin and tonics in rapid succession, a hopefull but redundant panacea to a snotty head, so had to get a lift  to collect Bluebell this morning. I was sitting in a pair of trackie bottoms in the rain waiting for that lift when Mrs Trellis passed , clicking her heels towards church
" I hear you have a new Bulldog" she tutted
I only half smiled my reply, I felt too ill to be defensive

This afternoon I've half watched  a succession of old Friends episodes ( and didn't find any of them even half amusing) Then I lit the fire, had a long bath and ate homemade soup out of the pan, following which a friend texted me
I told him that if my  cold continued , I would be found dead at home with my face eaten off by the dogs seeing that no one REALLY  cared
He scoffed at my drama queen ideas.
" Get a ruddy Grip" he told me

I steam cleaned the kitchen floor then took some painkillers and  had a sleep on the couch as Dotty watched from my window arm chair.
Her harness looks like a cross your heart bra, I thought before I dozed away


It's been a week since Dorothy arrived and I have spent it assessing her needs and getting to know her
She is somewhat of a contradiction .

Lively and friendly for the most part but like most rehomed dogs she is very eager to please and very timid at times. She remains very timid of anything new and is dreadful when out alone on the lead, crouching and stopping at every new experience, noise and person.
Subsequently she has been difficult to toilet as she doesn't relax enough to sniff and sniffing always leads to peeing.
I've noticed she is more relaxed when out with Mary and Winnie
She is , however , relaxed and well behaved in the car.

She is a watcher and needs to know where I am at all times. I have allowed her to sleep on my bed which is something she requires at the moment
The pecking order has not quite been sorted out between all of the girls at the moment which leads to regular growls of warning , but she is playful with Mary and defers to Winnie
Albert is an anathema to her but she has understood very quickly that chasing him is a no no!
I have always fed him first and always makes a fuss over him before even looking at the dogs, so she has been left in no doubt who is top cat.

Scared of everything new. Hoover, visitors, sexy bearded dog walker ( he's very loud)
But does settle in her own four walls. When out on Railway walk with Winnie ( no road traffic) , very bright and friendly with other dogs . Comes back when let off lead but did chase one jogger ( in a bouncy friendly way) which was understandably not reciprocated


Work all this out 
And you are a better man than I gunga Din

Fag Hag

Dotty is a fag hag
She spends an hour after I get home from work trying manfully to suck my face off
I have a heavy easyJet cold caught from the great unwashed during my trip back home
Perhaps it's the snot she is after
Or perhaps she's heard I am a great kisser !!!!!!!

Spanish Light In The Evening

This is my Spanish light bulb
It kind of pleases me
I like table lights
Like I enjoy occasional cushions
I have fifteen sofa cushions ( and only a two seater sofa)
( a few are hidden away for best)


Mary and Dotty on the couch

I got home around 9pm  to an empty house
Another week of missing choir
Trendy Carol ( in some lovely floral pumps no doubt) had left a message
" Dogs Round at mine!" 
They galloped to meet me as I walked through her gate
Mary first at full pelt...tongue lolling, eyes hopefull and oh so happy
Winnie second, puffing like a steam train coming into a station
And Dotty last......not quite sure what was expected of her but understanding a mighty fine game was afoot

It's lovely to be welcomed home
After a long shift


It feels like the night before the first day back at school tonight.
Sitges seems a million miles away.
I'm back to work tomorrow!
I've spent the day getting Dorothy used to our routines and to Albert who is watching the new girl with very narrow eyes.
Dorothy is a feisty madam who is not shy at challenging the other girls where food and my attention is involved .
Mary is in too minds biting back
Winnie just can't be arsed.
The sexy bearded dog walker has been introduced and was immediately smitten with her delicate good looks.
She lay shyly on her tummy when he boomed his hellos and wagged her stump tail

He played with the dogs and treated them to strips of beef which he had secreted in his pockets after his lunch.....he played as I kneeded sourdough just after it's proving

I caught up with my solicitor and mediator and swapped info on my divorce for photos of Dotty
and as the rain fell on a murky Trelawnyd I daydreamed I was back in Catalonia