Garden Flowers @ Easter

Aquilegia, jew's Mallow, bluebells and whitebells all from my garden

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday was never one of my favourite days .
Even though we had lots of eggs as a child, the day was centred around a quiet day at home The Greatest Story Ever Told on the television and long stretches of tedious boredom.
Today I am gardening in the blissful bird song filled village sunshine without any accompanying noise from next door's  JCB.
Much later I'm going to a family barbecue

A few years ago today I was caught in my front garden in my PJs by Pippa from the old Rectory.
I was hiding a golden foil cover chocolate rabbit and a selection of eggs in the borders and in cracks in the old stone wall that surrounds the tiny patch of grass that pretends to be a lawn.
I was having fun as I was playing egg hunt not for myself, and indeed not for any child in the village but it was for my 70 year old mother in law who would later join in with the fun dressed in a fleece dressing gown and fluffy slippers!

funny what you remember eh?

Never Steal A Cat's meatball

I went out for lunch with some friends then to an afternoon showing of  Tennesee Williams' Orpheus Descending. Afterwards I bought each of the animals a Swedish meatball from the garage shop as a treat.
Winnie got all hysterical over the  " prize giving" and in her jealous excitement knocked Albert off his feet ,  stealing his ball from right out of his mouth.
The cat lost it BIG time.
Claws were brought into play and the big girl had to leg it, quicksticks as Albert wailed his best wail then effectively  boxed the living shit out of her

This photo was taken ten minutes later

Turn It Down!!!!!!!

The man who bought the plot of land behind the cottage a year or so ago has started to level the mess with a JCB digger yesterday. At 8.30 am another Helper was blasting out loud music from the open door of his van.
Bank holiday weekend and the tranquility of the lane has been compromised without even a knock on the door to warn us all it was happening.
I haven't a hangover this morning, but I was livid at the rudeness shown , so I marched out in my pyjama bottoms and fourth best Walking Dead T shirt and in my best Maggie Smith bellow told them to turn the music down.
I have no real problem with the work, I just cannot abide thoughtlessness.

Has anyone got a noisy neighbour story out there?
Bet you have

Good Friday

I treated myself to a butter chicken curry for tea.
Winnie ate most of the prawn crackers, she loves how they dissolve in her giant gin trap mouth.
Like my print of the sea Pinks on the dunes these little treats are so much better than say an expensive weekend away in Paris
And oh so cheaper....

I spent an hour and a half on the phone with my coolly objective friend Nige tonight which gave me some perspective and the walk around Trelawnyd with Mary that followed saw the village strangely busy with late evening promenaders enjoying the balmy evening.
Mrs Trellis had been sorting the church's Easter Flowers, Trendy Carol in another  light spring outfit and Stan the man doing a bit of late dusk gardening. All had a chat today, as Hattie did from the choir, She looked pale after a recent illness and I reminded her to call me if she needed something.
She's quite a Beautiful young woman

I'm now drinking lots of  gin and have put on a classic DVD.
Good Friday? .......naw....

Sea Pinks On The Dunes

Risk Assessment

Mary looking uncharactistically worried

The other night I toppled out of my crocs like an semi fluid hundredweight of cement flowing unchecked out of a wheelbarrow.
Unfortunately I was peering over my field wall at the time and fell about five feet through a small gooseberry bush.
My crocs had the good sense to remain side by side on the top of the old wall
Apart from bashing my face in a hundred cuts, I did rip my third best Walking Dead T shirt and also knocked the arm from my best pair of reading glasses ( the 7£ ones from Asda!!!!)
Luckily no one saw my fall from grace though I am sure neighbour Mandy came to her bedroom window when she heard me swear" Fuckity fuck fuck" as I limped for the gate

My dyspraxia isn't getting any worse.
It's been with me since birth, it's just that I think I have a different centre of gravity than I used to have and my eyesight is more questionable so I am banging my head and rolling forward like a short sighted wombat more regularly.

I invested in a new pair of crocs this morning
Luminous green!
I can now see my feet in the dark

"Oh Sing To Me Of Some Bright Heaven"

We sang this lovely song by Brendan Tafafe at choir last night .
I am so glad I made the effort to go before work
It reminded me of all of the heartfelt offers of practical help passed on to me via the blog and in private since my somewhat down post of Sunday
It's therefore my thank you.

" If here on Earth you have the fortune,
To spend your day in company dear
The ground you walk is gilt with blessings
Sing one sweet chord for all to hear"