The Final

The Finalists for the Best Scotch Egg Postcard

And The Winner is

Joyce Zepp Renne 

Best Most Boring Postcard 

Carol Caudwell
Woodburn Green, Bucks

The finalists for the best vintage Postcard

And the winner is

The Finalists for the most saucy Postcard

And the winner is
Jacqueline @Home

The Finalists in the "sums up my home best" Postcard

And the winner is
Ginger Hallet
New Brunswick

The Finalists for the "Best Gay Postcard"

A tough one here as Mitchell's buttocks nearly swung it
but the winner is
Joyce Zepp Ranne

The Finalists for the most humorous card  

And the winner is 
Hillybean !

The finalists for the "most arty postcard"

and the winner is 
Vivian Swift 

The Finalists for the "best animal themed postcard"

And the winner is
Norma Griffiths
Ellesmere Port

The finalists for the best hand crafted post card

And The winner is
Gayle from Arizona

The Finalists for the best "hand drawn" postcard
I could not choose the best one out of this category
joint first prize goes to
Yorkshire Pudding
Rachel Philips
Susan Winslow
and unsigned

A Special prize goes to this handmade card
apologies but Ive mixed up the labelling so I need to be reminded who sent this

Special mention to  Carol Caudwell for is my Walking Dead card

Well its been frivolous and fun and hundreds of cards have winged their ways over to me in Wales with best wishes, lovely prose and messages of support that prove how lovely this internet thingy can be.
I have read and enjoyed every one of the 552 cards which have arrived
They have diverted and intrigued me
they have made me laugh, and smile and think and I thank you all for joining in with a bit of silly fun

thank you

Final entries

The results will be announced shortly.....once the judge's decision has been verified
Teenage Boffin Cameron has just been reviewing the entries and was suitably open mouthed
Here are the final entries received a few minutes ago
The competition is now closed

Just some of the 532 postcards

Blind Women Climbing the curtains and Other Postcards

but is it art?

If my friend Naomi was perplexed by the sight of two visually impaired performers swinging from black curtain material in a modern day Japanese themed London Hall in sort of homage to the biwa hoshi (Travelling blind storytelling performers in ancient Japan, she had the good breeding not to let on.
Having said this both of us turned to each other after Flight Paths at Theatre Clwyd and mouthed the words "What the fuck?" 

535 cards! the final is tomorrow

Trelawnyd Is Now Ready For The Zombie Apocalypse , Trev's Bum Jab and Other Stories

The village Community Association has once again proved itself to be a robust body of souls by preparing the village for the next zombie apocalypse
Now when I say Zombie apocalypse I'm actually paraphrasing their official line which goes as follows

Community Resilience Plan
The Community Association Chair, Nick Taylor, handing over the new generators to the Community Council Chair and Chairs of the Village Hall Committees. This will enable the halls in Gwaenysgor and Trelawnyd to be used as public rest centres in times of power outage, and civil emergency. This contingency is part of the Community Council's Resilience Plan.
Now We all know what they mean by civil emergency don't we children?????
Yes............. ....zombies!!!!

Four zombies

Nick handing over the new generator

I'm just about to leave to complete my speed awareness course and it's a lovely day to be lectured at.
There's a funeral in the church today but I didn't quite manage to catch village elder Islwyn to see who it was. That was being buried .
I've yet managed to catch the head honcho of the Trelawnyd Women's Institute too. Apparently I've giving them a talk soon! So I must do that this weekend.
I'm still giving Old Trev his daily injections and have had to leave myself a note on Bluebell's dashboard reminding me to do so.
I gave Mrs D a lift into Prestatyn the other morning and had to explain to her what the dashboard note proclaiming " Trevs Bum Jab" meant

I'll post the final entries in the postcard Challenge later tonight. It will be late as I'm off to the theatre with a friend
But I will leave you with a big thank you
A thank you to an anonymous blog reader who I suspect lives in North Wales
Recently I have received several gifts from unknown readers for which I am ( totally) very very grateful for ( you know who you are) and today I received a package with a handcrafted bowl in it...
Quite, quite.. lovely
Thank you


A friend from Samaritans sent me a message  tonight whilst I was on the phones
It said
"Valentine's day is hard for the newly single..I'm thinking of you!!! 
Followed by this cartoon

Bloody funny xx


Busy day  today: another vet trip, other appointment in Llandudno, lunch with a friend and a sams shift tonight. Tomorrow Ive got my speed course to complete, brunch out with another friend then theatre with  yet another friend....I am not going down the depressive weekend of last when I spent too much time alone

I've started to pick the finalists for each of the postcard categories
So far 36 have been shortlisted but that number is destined to rise as the closing date is Saturday afternoon with the results given .......wait for it..........tralaaaaaaaaaaa!!! Saturday early evening!
I will judge any latecomers in two weeks time....and the best one of those will get a prize!
With today's cards the total number received will be 515

I loved this one

A Face Like A Dried Teabag


The words  me and affable despot and international concert pianist don't automatically go together in my world but tonight Jason and I went to see Clair Hammond a professional tickler of the old ivories in concert at St Mary's creative space in Chester.
The concert was part of the Chester Music Society 's repitoire and It could be said that we were the youngest and most scruffy patrons there.
We had a cracking time.
Not only did we enjoy The flight of the bumble bee and various other lesser know pieces from Debussey and Rachmaninov- we revelled  in the fact that Jason was sat to a guy who was the spit of Grayson Perry and who had the best pair of fishnet tighted legs since Liza Minnelli was a girl.

Everyone including Mz Perry was incredibly serious and rather somber which was unfortunate as the pianist deserved a rather more rapturous applause than she received
That's where Jason's phrase " a face like a dried teabag" came from.
We giggled like schoolboys, but only in the car on the way home.
And .......All the way home.

Affable despot does culture