Wednesday's Postcards

Cake heals the soul
Thats what I think .
I'm sat in a cafe just outside the village after seeing a friend.
Im waiting for my sister in law to now arrive.
Ive bought take out cake for Sailor John and Mandy who live next door
Difficult times means cake
cake, like I said, heals the soul

The staff will think I'm either conducting interviews or am a serial philanderer 
More postcards today......the deadline is still Saturday and over 500 have arrived



I ve been on a set of nights and will be back blogging tomorrow.
Last week was a particularly difficult week emotionally
But its choir tonight and I'm catching up with The Walking Dead with a scotch egg supper later so I'm not thinking of what will or could be in my future

Again the final push for the competition continues
I thought  initially that I would receive , say 80 postcards
The total entered at the moment is 471!!
Here are the latest

5 Days To Go

No written post........entries close Friday when the finalists will be announced. winners on Saturday
As usual everyone has given me a lift that was required

thank you x

Back soon

Having a short break..back wed