Mother in law stories ...p l e a s e

The Prof and his mother are in the living room watching The Lady In The Van. They have spent most of the day shopping and are now resting with cups of tea and a plate of cheese and crackers. I have made an effort and have used proper cups and saucers........and a clean sideplate
I drew a line at napkins.
I didn't fancy sitting through Maggie Smith playing Maggie Smith, so Albert and I have retired to the bedroom. I am writing my blog and he is licking his arsehole.
All is well with the world.
I have spent much of the day getting things back in order. Having a visitor for a week is lovely on a social level but things do tend to pile up housework wise if you're not careful.
I took the opportunity to clean out the goose house too, and did so wearing old trackie bottoms, gravy stained sweatshirt and crocs, before I was caught by Margaret from Erw Wen when she delivered some layers pellets.
Her expression said it all, it said "You've let yourself go" 
I felt like saying even Jennifer Aniston doesn't look good all of the time
But I didn't!

I'll make an effort tonight, we are all going to Osborn House for dinner!
Sorrel goes home tomorrow and I think she has enjoyed her stay at Bwthyn -y-Llan .....I am lucky .......I like my mother-in-law and she kinda likes me......

So on the back of my previous " mother love" blog post, I shall put this question out to my dear readers...
Please tell me if you hated your mum in law or indeed if she hated you.......
I'd love to hear any funny MIL tales!
I'll leave you with some mother in law words from Les Dawson

"I can always tell when the mother in law's coming to stay; the mice throw themselves on the traps"

The Walking Dead Spoilers

I blame the script writers of The Walking Dead , for when it suits Kirkman's narrative, they allow the characters to assue new directions of behaviour and motivation that often don't make any sense at all  to the die hard fans who have followed the series from day one.
I understand why they do it.....they have to manipulate the story into areas that only make sense in the comics.........and the  comics are more suited to teenage geeks who love the salacious...the scriptwriters forget that ........the tv series are for a more sophisticated audience! 
So in East  we have almost all of the  alpha characters outside the soon to be besieged Alexandria. 
Daryl is off on a somewhat perplexing revenge raid followed by Glen, Rosita and Michonne . The newly pacifist Carol is cornered by another ( yes another) group of Saviours and spectacularly has to  kill again ( and gets injured in the process) and Rick and Morgan leave a near defenceless hometown to go and retrieve her......
Oh and Maggie gets pregnancy pains which means ( with the timely death of the lovely Denise) that a trip to see the hilltop doctor may be in order...........and .............Daryl definately gets shot! 
The scene has therefore been clumsily set! 
All of the main characters are out! And at the mercy of the new uber villian Negan who is set to appear in the finale..........with his overblown and silly barbed wire baseball bat in hand....

What's The Best Thing Your Mother Ever Did For you?

In idle chit chat mother-in-law was recalling memories of her own Broadstairs childhood. Her mother was a full time teacher who ran a home, shopped for the week's meat on a Friday by bike and catered for a whole gaggle of relatives for the entire summer holidays as Broadstairs was the destination to visit in early postwar Britain.
Selfless motherlove that has been reenacted a million times over in a million homes

My own grandmother was famous for saving my mother and uncle during an air raid over liverpool during the war. Just before the bomb blasts brought down the ceilings and blew in the windows, she single handedly covered the children with a heavy sofa before leading them to safety wrapped in chenille curtains.
Selfless Mother Love on a grander scale.
Both as important as the other.

What is the best thing your mother ever did for you?
I'd be interested to hear.

Puppy Wrestling

I love this's the kind of photo you can hear as well as see.
Mary has taken to Sorrel.
This is , I am sure, a reflection that Sorrel is our first female visitor, who has a tendency to shriek when bated by an over active puppy. The louder the shriek, the better the game, and so every few minutes of stalking, out Mary will bound and an unsuspecting mother-in-law will scream a rather satisfying scream before OAP and Puppy embark in a lusty bout of all in wrestling.
It is Sorrel's Birthday today...I'm in the process of making a roast for lunch! 

A Stripper's Knickers!

I'm waiting outside the hospital after a 13 hour shift
The taxi is a little late.
I am getting a taxi because the Prof needed the car to take him and Sorrel to church
Easter is a big gig apparantly
I stink like an old cart horse who has worn a stripper's knickers too long
That's intensive care at full stretch for you
Hey ho

You Can't Beat a Plump Cushion!

One of my guilty purchases

 We are in Liverpool. The Prof and his mum are shopping, I was going to the Tate Gallery but it's shut! So whilst the others are giving Zara a bashing, I have done what any self respecting gay man over forty does,I have had to settle for the soft furnishings department of John Lewis.......
Let it be known now,and I am out and proud......... I love nice cushions!
There I've said it!

All cushioned out.......I had a doze at Albert Dock
This shopping lark is hard work

Snatched From Facebook

Blogs are not really the forum for posting cute videos featuring cats
( That is the remit of facebook)
But this video made me chuckle last night
It made me chuckle as it totally reminded me of the Prof
That wonderful face
The hint of a curly moustache
The slightly imperious look.
That's my husband! 


Mary opened her bowels on the hearthrug at 19.10
Just after I finished a posh pot noodle in front of the tv
I left it there
( the  shit not the pot noodle) 
And in a fit of pre mother-in-law cleaning stress I ate all of the chocolate rabbit
Mrs Trellis bought for the Prof for Easter! 
Hey ho