Happy Christmas Eve

It's nearly 1pm and I have just been woken up
by the sound of the Prof cracking a sneaky walnut open in the living room below.
It's not often that a Prof, cracking one off, has been documented on a blog , I suspect.

I cannot now get back off to sleep. 
I wont get up. 
I'll just see things that need doing , if I do.
So I shall post a short video of the Trelawnyd male voice choir
singing Calon Lan
It's almost Christmasy!

Cold Turkey

Ok, a quick postscript before work,
Everyone knows I am missing my

So, I was cock-a-hoop to find a parcel from Pittsburgh on the kitchen table
when I finally dragged myself from my bed
Thank you Joyce for the goodies
which included



I'm off to bed and will be leaving The Prof in charge of the critters for a couple of days
I have only one thing of any note to share and that is
a conversation with a well spoken and prim colleague who rang me up early this morning.
The woman and I had a general and pleasant conversation which had almost finished
when she asked me if I could help her
" someone called me " bell end " this morning " she said
" really?" I said
" Yes, a mouldy old BELL-END..what IS .... a bell-end?


What's Your Tradition?

Christmas brings out the tradition in all of us.
Whether you do everything including the plum pudding or you sit alone watching tv with a bag of crisps, you have your own likes , rhythms and routines that centre about the holiday and which is so often rooted in childhood.
The Prof enjoys one of our traditions and it is a simple one which is becoming rarer given the cost of the humble postage stamp nowadays .
Every year I loop string around the living room and one by one, Christmas cards when they arrive, are hung in a rectangle underneath the smoky coloured white painted beams .
It pleases us both when all the spaces are eventually filled .
A simple tradition.

1970s Prawn Cocktail as a Christmas lunch starter, always brings back affectionate memories of my mother's labour intensive Christmas cooking where she would leave them standing on the meticulously prepared table settings for hours and hours.
How we all didn't die of severe food poisoning bugger alone knew.

So what is your simple tradition? I'd be interested to know?
Today is my only day to prepare for the day....I am working night shift tomorrow night and on Christmas Eve....so when I am ironing the lunch napkins, I will enjoy your stories
Over to you

Yuletide Village Prep

The Prof has taken the car to Snowdonia for his department Christmas soiree this evening. He won't be back until tomorrow night ( This btw was the cause of Sunday's ROW ( row as in spat and not in rowing a bloody boat) as we had originally arranged to have dinner with the affable despots)
So today, in bloody awful weather, I sorted all of the village Christmas jobs out.
50 cards were hand delivered ( With a bouncy and increasingly well behaved Mary in tow) and gifts were passed on to Auntie Glad, Animal  helper Pat, our neighbours down the lane ( Sailor John, The Barkers and Trendy Carol) and to Trellis ( the artist formally known as Mrs Trellis)
I tried to  keep socializing to a minimum as everyone is busy at this time, but I was buttonholed by policeman Ian, who told me a rather harrowing story about his new dog Lily going missing for five hours the other day and caught by Pippa B, who launched into a vociferous debate about badger culling.
Subsequently I got soaked in the winter rain.
I collected holly from Pat ( animal helper's ) garden and she kindly gave us a beautifully wrapped cake and when I got home Bernard the German , popped in with a gift of some homemade jams and sweets.
Gifts from Animal helper Pat and Bernard the German

It's these little gestures that make you feel just that little bit more Christmasy .
This afternoon, there was a brief sunny period in the grotty weather, so I made ham sandwiches from leftovers and the dogs and I shared a late lunch sat on a bench in the new churchyard.
Now I am not a grave visitor, so I was surprised to see a steady stream of people arrive with Christmas wreaths in hand . I counted over 80 wreaths in total ,all placed with care on a large selection of graves,
It's a nice tradition.
Back home, I decorated the mantle ( which just lends itself to Christmas) hung the cards and cleaned up the poo which william had thoughtfully deposited ten inches up on The Prof's office door ( why does he do that?)
Tonight in lieu of dinner at the despots' , I shall have a mulled wine with Victoria Coren Mitchell and " Only Connect"
I'm rather looking forward to it.


It's 1.42 am and I have just got home after shift ( gotten home Rachel?)
We had my aunt up for dinner last night and I forgot to lock up the hens, what with the picking up from the station and cooking and all that shit....anyhow by the time I remembered ( 6.30 pm) the badgers had struck and the coop with  the remaining geriatric hens was emptied.
I only know it was the badgers cos when I was out just now with William ( and his overactive bladder) a large huffing badger passed us in the lane with a large white Sussex in it's mouth.
My fault.....my fault but you can't keep all the balls in the air at once.
So apart from the geese, the Ukrainian village is sadly empty.
I will restock in spring
Hey ho!

Anyhow I was stopped by the police tonight too...I knew I would be. I was breathalysed and asked what I was up to and when I said " going home" the policeman quickly noted a bottle of port on the passenger seat!
" It's from my auntie Judy for Christmas  " I told him "and  there's a box of cheese to go with it"
I waved a marks and spencer multi cheese set in his direction to prove my point
" I only get socks from my auntie" the policeman said sadly and waved me on.

Hey ho...ho ho ho

I'll be asleep in five minutes time, I know it, I'm cuddled up on the couch with George
The Prof is snoring very quietly in his arm chair.
We have just gotten our Christmas Row out of the way.
I'm glad it's done and dusted...
Christmas Rows
Another unsung tradition of late December Hey ho
Ho ho ho

Strictly News

One moment you are appearing in one of the top class shows on British tv and the next you are bouncing around in a silver leotard in a parochial Welsh Theatre Winter Panto......
Go figure...

Strictly's Robin Winsor turned up as the gay mirror in our local Production of " Snow White" and although he was pretty dire the production itself was fun enough to make us all ( The Prof and my sisters et al)  feel just that little bit Christmasy .
Ironically Strictly finished this evening with the cute and diffident  " The Wanted" band member Jay McGuiness crowned a worthy winner........

Mind you I think this year's series will be known for the arrival of the Russian dancer Gleb Savchenko.....who is so much more tasty that poor old Robin..........
Mind you Gleb......things havea  tendency to change and so do  tastes....given a few dozen months......and I am wondering is they have Panto in Moscow


Btw does anyone know why my followers numbers are up and down like a whores'  knickers?