Bus Trip

Little dramas on quiet days always seem like big dramas.
Today is a case in point.
I had to take Mary to town to be microchipped
We had to go on the bus.
It's a bumpy ride.
Just after the bends before Dyserth, she started to heave, and so trying to be ever so discreet, I pointed her head down from the seat off my lap and without a tissue to collect any residue I  had the brain wave to open the pocket on the side of my cargo pants which formed an impromptu sick bag. Into which I channelled the chunder soon after Mary barfed into my hand like a good 'un
That's about it for today.
Mary in the bath after getting home

I threw the pants away btw

Quiet Christmas.- Nigella's A Slag

I've just watched Nigella flirting outrageously to the camera whilst squeezing the begeebers out of a lemon. She's such a slut.
I got all excited as her lemon pavlova is something , even I may be able to crack off and as we have invited ourselves to dinner with the affable despots before Christmas , I will actually give it a go. We are doing starters, wine and pudding....I like the thought of bringing food with us at Christmas visiting time...its all very American.
I saw Mrs Trellis today, she has written a poem " for the blog" she told me, " its about Autumn" 
I didnt tell her that I thought it was winter..but what do I know. Anyhow She reminded me that there is a carol service in the Church here next Sunday with A VIOLIN SOLOIST no less! and I told her that we will be going ....I hope Gaynor the Mad organist will be there, Ive bought her a santa hat to wear....I'll dare her to put it on during prayers.
Other Christmas jaunts include a family meal and visit to the panto in Llandudno and a cinema trip to see " It's a wonderful life"
As long as you stop thinking  and go with the flow, Panto's can be quite fun. it's a trick I finally mastered last year. 
Some has-been from "Strictly" is starring in it, so I suspect it will be as camp as a row of tents....but I am looking forward to it. 
Next week I'm off to London to see Nuala and London is always rather sweet just before Christmas ...we are off to Sadler's Wells for a Seasonal ballet ......which will be amazing but I am sorry not to be able to fit in a quick nip over to South Yorkshire too......but you cant fit everything in..........
It's starting to feel rather festive, I 'm delivering the village Christmas cards tomorrow and I've already noted that the new people in the police house have gone to town with their lights ! .......even the house with the bin bagged windows has put up a lurid flickering , flashing light reindeer underneath the plastic..
Hey ho

I have aseptic teeth

Up at 3.15 am this morning.
Needed to leave the house at 3.40 am
Dressed in the dark, washed face with cold water
Combed hair 
Brushed teeth
Dozy dozy pillock
Tried to brush teeth with a dollop of Winnie's drapolene
( antiseptic cream)

Smartening Up

Today I have been asked to review my clothes rail in the joint wardrobe .
I suspect this request for some order and rationalisation is a product of the Prof's need for expansion.
His rail of clothes resemble something worthy of Imelda Marcos.
So I took a look at my clothes with a critical eye.

A fair few dozen t shirts ( 6 walking dead themed ones amongst them)
Five decent shirts
Five pairs of trousers without stains
Four pairs of trousers with stains ( usually bleach, ingrained coal or field grass/muck)
A couple of pairs of trousers with a 34 inch waist ! ( I cant get them on over one thigh)
Various woolly jumpers, sports tops, and sweat shirts ( bought between 1990-2000)
One corduroy jacket
One dinner jacket and shirt ( pristine)
Various nurses uniforms
One grandad shirt from 1983
One single red velvet tie
One white T shirt with a scotch egg on the front.

I took a long look at the last item.....and sighed...
I can't wear that at the next University cheese and wine nibble-fest


Desmond is wreaking havoc across Wales and Northern Britain.
Here in Trelawnyd the wind is very strong, so much so that one gust has elicited a single
" ding" from the Church bell, something I have never heard before.
The sheep took themselves down to the lowest portion of the field yesterday and have stayed there ever since with their bottoms facing into the wind.
The remaining hens disappeared into the hawthorn hedge leaving the geese unbowed by the gales, and after a windswept walk we, the cotage folk, are all hunkered  around the fire eating cheese and biscuits whilst watching ET
Its a day for hiding away at home.

The Slippers Of Sex ......RIP

I don't quite know what's been going on when I am at work
But The Prof's  " Slippers of Sex" seems to have been given a bit of a battering by Winnie recently.
I am not sure if Kit Hopkins can save them
She's a dirty old bitch
Winnie that is...not Kit Hopkins!

Blasts From The Past

I bought an original paperback copy of Watership Down yesterday from a seller on ebay.
The seller described the book as a " blast from the past" and remined prospective buyers of it's wonderful original 1970s cover illustration.
I remembered the cover very well, the paperback was one of my most treasured possessions as a child, and the whole thing triggered a sort of mental game of collecting visuals from a ten year old's memory.

Dickie Davies introducing wrestling at 4pm Saturday Afternoons

speaks for itself

Food and drink of the 70s

Adventure Novels 

Walls waifers

Prestatyn High Street 

Jennifer Jones

Crowded Prestatyn Beach ( deserted now) 

1970 caravan holidays ( gawd help us) 

Tv 's " Magpie 

Lead and plastic toy farm animals 

Well Done Prof!

I saw this shot on the Professor's twitter page.
The caption read  " Having a sneaky sleep with Albert"
It amused me.
The Professor, like all successful academics seldom has " down time" He is constantly working and when he's not working, he's thinking and planning work.
It can be an exhausting, never ending vocation.
And so it's lovely when you see that all of his hard work has paid off like it did yesterday, for yesterday the Prof was appointed as the new " Head " of the entire School of Healthcare sciences at the University

I'm very proud of him and his strength of character when it comes to work, but his world at the University remains a bit of a mystery to me in many ways, but I always say to him ( with my tongue firmly put into cheek)
That I am the " wind beneath your wings"