Dazed And Confused

Bert and Ernie ( the two on the right)
Bert and Ernie the re homed drakes have had somewhat of a baptism of fire during their introduction to the field ducks. I have four hysterical female Indian runner ducks who spend much of their time screaming at the top of their lungs and running around in circles, so spending the last four days or so shut away in a confined space with them, when you have never seen a female face before, must have been somewhat nerve jangling to say the least.

Today I let the ducks out to range for themselves in the snow, and all eight tottered around together....with the drakes meekly following the runners who screamed loudly at every new mound of scary white snow like a group of confirmed virgins who have just spied their first erect willy.
Poor Bert and Ernie.....no wonder they looked somewhat bemused.

7 words

I was nursing two patients last night
One was conscious
One was not.
The awake patient  who was 'sporting a broad Lancashire accent stopped me in my tracks when I first walked up to her to introduce myself.
" You're a lad who likes his grub"
She dead panned
Succinct and to the point 
Northern Women
Economical and unbeatable 

Leave Me Alone

I have no news, no amusing story, no animal anecdotes and no excitement to report. So I will apologies first for the boring nature of this blog entry......habit and obsession does not allow me to skip a blogging day......

Sometimes you just want to be left alone.
I am working tonight, so after a few hours traipsing through the sn** ( I am not mentioning the cold white stuff as its boring the tits off me) I decided to go to back to bed for a few hours.
Given the fact that Chris is still away until later and the lane has been effectively blocked by ice, I thought things would be pretty quiet, but alas......I have had to get up three times now to answer the door to anorak covered locals in search of eggs for their late Sunday breakfasts.
And so, I got up, got dressed again ( I have had to wash my long johns yet again as I have lived in three pairs all week)....ok ok that's too much information! ....
Then me and the neighbours in an impressive show of solidarity and self help, got out our shovels and grit and attacked the ice in the road.
It was all very chummy, and after a few chorus' of " Hi ho...hi ho...it's off the work we go" and a couple of group hugs.....we had cleared much of the debris.
It is now 1pm and after a brief dog walk,me and the dogs are off for a group hug of our own under the duvet.
organic Hotwater bottles....
You can't beat them.....


Fellow flower Show Committee member Hannah ( she of the Woolley hat) has just sent me this photo of herself ( or her better half, its difficult to tell) from Trelawnyd's sister village of Llanasa
Hey ho!

Another Day Another Snow Blog ?

Ok I was lying somewhat.....today will be part snow....part chat.......I have no news to report, except for the fact that the snow has hit home over night and we are all well and truly snowed in down our lane.
We all have provisions. ( I collected bits and bats for people yesterday) and I stocked up animal feed, so we are all sorted... But I could do without this "get cold get warm" routine as I have just started antibiotics for a bad chest.....
It would be nice to just sit on the couch with a rug over my legs......

The Cottage

William, Meg and George, who were somewhat stir crazy from yesterday's incarceration , were let out on bosom's part of the field, and ran amok like toddlers in a ball pool when I got on with the huge task of feeding and watering the animals,  each getting their own provisions inside their own houses.
It took me almost two hours to sort each out and to construct a duck run ( to prevent Bert and Ernie getting disorientated and flapping off into the drifts)
How real farmers with hundreds of lambing ewes cope in this weather , bugger only knows.

The geese, I could let out with an extra watering bowl 
Whilst just in the distance you can make out Sylvia and Irene 
Hiding away next to the far hedge.
I took them water and feed and left them to it.

By 9 am I had had enough, so it was time for coffee. Later I will need spread dry clippings on the floor on each coop and house, not the nicest job as each resembles and smells like a general public urinal.
At least the dogs seem to have enjoyed themselves

Stormy Weather

The driving snow has almost blocked off the lane just down from the cottage, and already this evening I have helped dig out two foolhardy people who thought it was a good idea to take a short cut home.
The animals are all safely locked up inside their houses and the Ewes have taken themselves off to lie down in the shelter of the hawthorn hedge on the South side of the field. I have just taken them a bucket of feed and some apples, which they bolted down hungrily. It's a crap night to be sat on your arse in the snow.
I have only one more venture out today,and that is when I walk the dogs around 9pm. 
Then it's The Walking Dead Episode 14 in front of the fire.

Snowed In

Things look a little rough at Bwthyn-y-llan this morning
Hey ho

The snow is drifting over a foot in places and the weather was so harsh this morning, that most of the animals were shut up in their coops with feed and water placed in each.The geese and the five runner ducks I let out leaving polenta and the new Bert and Ernie shaking in their boots inside the duck hours. The poor newbees,
first day with the potential of a bit of "green" and all they see is a white out.
I finally got the berlingo out and stocked up with coal, bird feed, cat and dog food. The village was all but deserted but I did see affable despot Jason up at the shop, collecting provisions for his neighbours. Its the worst time for this sudden shift in weather, for the vunerable spirng lambs are being dropped.....
This winter is seriously getting on my tits

A Sad Sort Of Story & A Quality Scotch Egg

As it turned out, the chap with the ducks who I thought was a farmer, wasn't a farmer.
He works as a part time taxi driver.He was not the owner of the ducks either, they were owned by his son..funny how the true story is more complicated than it had to be.
The son rang me last night about the ducks, the conversation was a difficult one as he sounded somewhat drunk,but eventually I arranged to call in to assess the birds in situ so to speak. It was no trouble, because I was almost passing his house today anyway, I had planned to go up to the vets to collect flea treatment for the animals.
The duck owner, as it turned out, was still in his teens. He looked as though he had just got out of bed when I arrived at two and had great difficulty walking to the front door.His speech was still slurred and slightly laboured so It was not hard to figure out that he was recovering from some sort of head injury.
He led me to a small enclosure in the back garden which housed two sad looking drakes sitting on a hard concrete floor.The run was sparse but clean enough and there was pellets in a bowl and clean water set up in the corner.They needed to be housed on some grass with room to run around.
" why are you getting rid of them" I asked and the boy looked incredibly sad and somewhat sheepish
"I can't look after them anymore" he slurred .... "I've had a bad car accident"
The garden was filled with runs and little enclosures, all of them quiet and empty and the boy explained rather morosely that all of his hens,budgies,quail, pigeons and ferrets had been given away to good homes.Only the two drakes were left and true to form, no one would take a couple of mucky looking drakes off his hands.
Drakes, with all of their bullying sexual ways, are something I could do without, but there was something so sad about the fact that this lad had to lose his menagerie of pets because of an arbitrary accident, I said I would take them. In the great scheme of things, it was no skin off my nose
"You wont cull them to eat will you" he asked when I eventually caught both birds and I assured him that they had found a good home.
"That's good" he slurred "I raised these two from duckings..."
"Have they got names?" I asked
"Bert and Ernie" he replied " from Sesame Street!"
"I remember them" I said
He tried to smile, but it just didnt work out.
Duck no 1 Bert
Duck no 2 Ernie

I felt somewhat melancholy when I got the ducks home, and after setting them up in the duck house with food and water , I took the dogs out for a walk.Of course all I could think of was the sad long term rehab ramifications for the lad with the head injury, His journey to some sort of normality would be a long and difficult one.
As I wandered through the centre of the village, Trelawnyd Val called out to me to come over
She had a pressie for me!
It was a QUALITY SCOTCH EGG from the posh Hawarden Estates Farm Shop.......
Another delightfully well timed and thoughtful gift.........
I managed to keep it intact, until I got home