Apart from a few presses for Chris, I have almost finished the Christmas Shop.
Like many people this year, we ( the immediate family) have all agreed on a ceiling of spending and will be forking out no more than 10£ or so ,on each person.
It's a pragmatic and sensible reaction to the recession everyone is banging on about
I have instructed that the nephews don't get us anything at all, which is, I hope, a welcome change as middle aged gay uncles are a nightmare to buy for!
I have been a bit naughty though, as I have bought a gift for my nephew's partner. It is a general gift for the "family" but I hope (and sort of know) that she will enjoy it the most.
I know you shouldn't have favourites
But I have a soft spot for her.
She has a certain warmth and sweetness about her.
Some people possess something "glowing" in their natures, a certain genuineness which cannot quite be disguised. They are not rare as hen's teeth, you find them everywhere.
Perhaps it's Christmas that's boosting my sentimental buttons?
Perhaps it's the fact that the older I get, the more squidgy hearted I become
who knows.....
Even the final scene of this Christmas advert for Morrissons is enough to get me all teary
If you get a chance....go on spoil someone you care about this Christmas
If you get a chance....go on spoil someone you care about this Christmas
Anyhow , I am off to drop off some Yultide Shortbread to Kit Hopkins
she's just repaired the hand knitted slippers she made for us last year
I know, they look odd
But they are bloody comfortable!!!!
If she patented them
she'd make a fortune!