
Mother-in-law arrives soon
The Cottage Needs Spring Cleaning
so today is Operation
"dog snot removal"

2 years ago!!!!!!!!!!!

Winnie and Jo the female geese are giving poor Camilla a bad time at the moment!
But they to were sweet little babies only 2 years ago now!
Here is an old video of the two of them in 2010.
God I love goslings!

Monday's Diary

 In 2006, shortly after we arrived in Trelawnyd, I decided to write an on-line diary chronicling the mundane and the new in our new country based life here in Wales.
Ok some days I will go off on one ( as the meandering rubbish of yesterday will testify to) but generally the purpose of Going Gently is simply that of a daily journal.
So today, I will return to those little daily dramas...those tiny snippets of the every-day, so to speak

Yesterday was Palm Sunday. It was a beautiful spring day, and as usual part of the St Michael's Church  service was held by the ancient 14th Century prayer Cross in the old Graveyard.
I snapped a few photos of the small congregation and remember feeling suddenly  a little melancholy at the thought that in perhaps ten years time, the congregation would have been whittled down to almost nothing

 Today, everything is all very different. The weather is cold, wet and miserable, and the bright greens of yesterday have morphed into the more traditional browns and greys of a damp spring.
The rain has however transformed our tiny back garden from it's winter "nothingness" into a pre flowering  greenery, as great clumps of Aquilegia vulgaris have started to flourish. 
Mother-in-law Sorrel arrives on Thursday, I am hoping that the granny's Bonnet's will be flowering by then.

On the field, not all the animal relationships have remained Walt Disney-esque, and a marked split within the ranks of the geese has resulted in Camilla the Canada goose being ostracised from the flock.
The only reason I can think of that this may happen, is the fact that Camilla may indeed be a "Charles"
and that the resident gander, the benign Russell, has decided that another male is surplus to requirements, but watching the interaction between ALL of the geese, it is noticeable that even Jo and Winnie seem somewhat wary of "Camilla" when "she" approaches.
Last night a somewhat lonely Camilla was housed with the "Crackhead whores" in the hen house next to the goose house
(perhaps the more knowledgeable goose keepers amongst my blog readers could give me a few ideas of what is exactly going on?)

Camilla or could it be Charles?
Yesterday ,several of the neighbours made a point of happily  mentioning that Albert seems to be "back on form" now. The skinny, somewhat elusive cat has obviously endeared himself to the residents of the five houses in our part of the village, and his recent absence from their gardens has been worrying for all of them that enjoy the company of a cat who resembles Sammy Davis Jnr 
It's funny howmany people enjoy vicarious pleasure in someone Elsie's pet.

This morning I snapped this somewhat blurry photo of Albert,wrapped around George and Meg after they all had returned from their morning walk.
It is nice to see Albert back on form............

Weight Watchers weigh in 14 stone 5 lbs
No weight loss this week
Must have been all that white wine!!!!

The Clothes Maketh The Man

I have never had much of an idea when it comes to clothes.
My "style" ( and I am using the term style VERY loosely here) comprises of a mixture between man at Marks & Spencer's, teenage "I am wearing the bonfire pile of rags, I threw on the floor last night" grunge and a faded 1980 preppy college look
It is all a bit of an uncomfortable mix.
I must be a huge disappointment.

Chris is precise, fastidious and stylish in how he dresses.
My "Dried Chicken shit on the kneecap" look has him rolling his eyes with an exasperation which often borders on the desperate, and on those few rare occasions I have actually worn a suit ( the last time, I think was when he collected his doctorate from York Uni) his excitement was almost palpable.

When I get down to my target weight of 13 and a half stone ( after shedding my  35 lbs of rancid fat) I have promised myself a few new items of clothing.
They may not be age specific
They may not be expensive
and they certainly won't be cutting edge
But at least..they won't have elasticated waists
and they will be clean!

*painting is "Mutton Dressed as Lamb" by G Bunt

Squeezing A Rubber Chicken and Other Stories

For Lunch Chris and I went to a local antique centre's cafe/restaurant. The food was nice ( the antiques incidentally were grossly over priced) and most of the diners resembled Daily Mail readers, as they sat there over their two soups quietly ignoring each other!
I always have an over whelming urge to swear, belch or fart extremely loudly when I sit in a place like this. The terrible "English-ness " of it all, is excruciatingly difficult for me to cope with, and silliness seems the ideal panacea to po faced stiff upper lips!
Serious shoppers have the same effect on me...ask Chris
Every week he has to put up with me noisily squeezing the pet aisle's squeaky rubber chickens in the futile effort to inject some humour in the "death by shopping" experience .......
It's a small rebellion, I know.....
I'm not big on grand gestures

Welshman Luke Evans with John Cusack
The weather has turned back to a slightly chilly Welsh Springtime, so we went to the pictures to see the slightly odd British horror/thriller The Raven (2012) which mixed the life and loves of a real Edgar Allen Poe (played by a sad looking John Cusack) with a Gothic story of an 1840 Baltimore serial killer!

For Benny!

Phyllis and Rooster 

Well this post should warm the very cockles of fellow blogger Benny's heart!
I do so hope that he enjoys it!
Above is a somewhat "interesting" photo which illustrates a previous post about some animals' abilities to "team up" when they are in need of the warmth and companionship perfectly!.
Last week the blind Cockerel Rooster Cogburn lost his coop mate Vinegar Tits.
Mz Tits had recovered well from a bout of dropsy and needed to return to her own troupe of "crackhead whores" all of whom had missed the presence of their alpha female.So that left me with the rather knotty problem of who could fill Vinegar Tits' overly assertive sling-backs in providing company for the old cockerel!.
The answer came in the diminutive and neurotic shape of Phyllis Diller, the frizzle cross bantam, and I must admit from her perspective, their meeting seemed like a match made in heaven.from the get-go, as she fussed about him like Charles Hawtrey in a feather outfit.
Cogburn seems delighted with his new coop mate, his daily crowing quota seems to have increased somewhat anyway, and this morning when I opened up his sleeping quarters, the two of them were tightly cuddled up together in one nesting box, like two peas in a pod!

A Corner Turned

Today I was due to book Albert for a new assessment with a new Vet,
It was the day I had agreed to do something more proactive after his 2 weeks of fasting and lethargy

But as usual, animals have that unwavering ability to surprise you at the ninth hour, and true to form Albert has just  surprised me thirty minutes before I was due to pick up the phone to book him an appointment.
I had just sat down at the kitchen table after night shift this morning when Albert strode past the queue of dogs on the kitchen sofa with noticeable purpose and determination.
He climbed up onto the window ledge, pointed his skinny little bottom at a fairly astonished Mabel and let out a long and rather musical fart.
Satisfied with the noise, he then sniffed at the pile of untouched food in his food bowl, licked his lips and bolted down five or six huge mouthfuls with some gusto.

There's Panic buying at petrol stations all over the UK?
But the tiny Trelawnyd crisis of Albert the cat and his mystery illness
seems to be at an end

Two score years and ten

Student days- 21 years's another life away
In a few weeks time I will be fifty.
Where has the time gone?
When I think about what has happened to me in my adult life, I honestly find it rather hard to remember what happened when and what happened to whom !
I lived and worked in York for several years
I hardly recall doing so now
I invested 5 years in a somewhat disastrous and abusive relationship
Apart from the occasional snippet, I remember little about that too!
When I try and look backwards it seems like long periods of my life are now almost unreal...
It's as though I am looking back at a movie through gauze or something.
Its a funny feeling.

People that figured so importantly in my life have long since gone. 
It is almost 30 years since I last saw my grandmother
It's 23 years since my father died.
I have not seen an old friend from Cambridge in 10 years.
She's bloody 70 years old now!
Where does the time go?

My brother in law came to help me the other day, when the exhaust fell off the berlingo
He helped me as he has always done, and I all I saw was the young happy-go-lucky chap, that I have always known.
Funny that I didn't really notice that he is almost a pensioner now, with arthritic shoulders and greying hair.
I suspect that he still sees me as the slightly awkward teenager with high colour and bad dress sense 

Now don't get me wrong, I am not sad when I think about all this..
I am just mildly surprised.
I am nearly 50