I was only posting a comment this morning about being caught in my underpants in the kitchen by a lady looking through our kitchen window from her overly large 4 x 4 and BINGO a couple of hours later what happened?
Yes I was caught parading around in my underpants by a lady who was this time, riding her horse in the lane!
The kitchen window that used to be a door |
The reason for me showing off my budgie smugglers was the fact that Bingley had flexed his testosterone muscles as I was lifting the Blind Rooster Cogburn out of his pen and kararte kicked me from behind!
Within a second he had clawed through the fabric of my combat trousers and as I tried to kung fu him back , he managed to give me a sideward peck and actually RIPPED my Walking Dead T shirt RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE!
Pants! |
T shirt!!!!!!!!!!!! |
I was livid!......After putting Rooster C ( who was crowing lustily with the drama of it all) back into his run, I ran after the rapidly retreating Bingley and gave him a quick boot up the arse before retiring to the kitchen to check my injuries!
This is when I was caught by a lady rider standing in my undies in front of the kitchen window!
Cheap Thrills for her!
Irritation and resignation for me!
hey ho
Weight Watchers weigh in this morning 14 stone 5 lbs
Weight Loss last week 2lbs
Total weight Loss since Jan 1st 1 stone 9 lbs