Pork, Pork and More Pork

"look at my meat!"
 Well I feel a little like a serial killer who has been spent a busy afternoon packing bits of my victims up in a whole plethora of plastic bags......yes number 12 and number 21 were picked up today from the butcher's shop in six large boxes and were carefully re bagged ready for a hastily bought chest freezer, which has been set up in the back shed.
85 kilos of sausages, massive leg joints, a ton of belly pork and chops galore ( or should that be gore) have covered every surface in the kitchen. and I was grateful that amid the carnage there were only four recognisable trotters to cope with and not a whole pigs head. ( the butcher's don't generally give you the heads unless requested)
Looking at the prices of meat at our local butchers, I think that we have well over £1,000 quids worth ready to be eaten!..... Bless number 12 and 21 have done us proud.
I dropped some goodies off for the RFWF, and to Eirlys and John who helped me so well last Tuesday and then just had time to leave a chop with Auntie Glads for her tea!
85 kilos of sausage!!!
We have just had sausages for our tea!!! bloody lovely!!!!

The 4 Tribes Of Trelawnyd

 My sister in law called around yesterday, I had missed our weekly "coffee and cake" meet up as I had fallen asleep in arm chair, warmed into slumber by a blanket of fluffy Welsh Terriers and tired out by that morning's altercation with a trailer trash hag who ruined my morning by trying to bully free petrol out of a teenage petrol pump attendant.

It is just eight weeks since my brother died, but what with Christmas, New Year and the anniversary of his Birthday all part of those two months, his death seems  almost  an age away now.
It's a weird thought....

Andrew at my 2009 Open Allotment Day
 Jayne watched the field for a while after she parked and after hearing all about the blind Rooster Cogburn she watched the hens milling around the gate and said "Everyone of them has a story to tell"....
she seemed surprised...after all hens are only hens........

Just recently I have realised that the hen population  on the field has evolved into four distinct tribes or factions. Three of the four tribes now have their own cockerel leader where the fourth has an alpha female in charge, and each group have chosen to inhabit their own corner of the field.

The Tribe of the West is the most eclectic of the tribes.Led by the diminutive Eric, it comprises of the remaining crackhead whores,  a bullied arucana and her team mate Phylis Diller (Below) and three shy re homed Wellsummers
 The Tribe of the North comprises of all seven of the oldest hens on the field which have been joined by the three of the crackhead whores who arrived bald and damaged from a year's mistreatment by their over randy cockerel . These hens are all now fully re feathered and healthy birds and all three have just started to lay again, a sign of good condition ,  
I have found it rather amusing that the youngest and most inexperienced cockerel, Badger has taken over as leader in this coop. Some readers may remember that he was the single chick that survived a fatal badger attack on his mother last spring and alone and lonely was luckily teamed up with Camilla the gosling when she arrived.
Badger with Camilla
Badger now!
 The Tribe of the East, is the "front of house" group of hens on the field, for their designated area is the most sociable and most visual to anyone passing by in the lane. Subsequently the hens in this tribe are the most confident and the most pushy, for they are the ones that always benefit from scraps and bread donated by villagers.
Stanley, the old cockerel, interestingly enough has moved hen houses with his trusty white guinea fowl, Angostura in tow, to "take charge" of the Tribe of the East. which comprises of seven re homed orpingtons and a large group of bog standard red hens that arrived last year after being mistreated by their owner.

The last distinct group on the field is the Tribe of the South. This is a rag tag group of geeks, shy saddos and lonely hens.from three coops, who like to hide away from the hustle and bustle of daily life.They always remind me of those kids at school that never played with anyone at break time, you remember the ones?, the kids that read their books on the periphery of the action, wanting to join in but not having the confidence to do so
Their "leader" is Lillian, a white hefty Orpington, who enjoys peace ,quiet and periods of warm sunshine.....it is not a coincidence that their part of the field remains in the sun for the majority of the day
Lilliam.....a gal not to be messed with

 ......yeap Jayne was right...... every hen has a story.......


"And your fans think you're all heart..."
and so said a close friend of mine that read a somewhat acerbic comment I wrote about the Occupy Sheffield demonstrators.... 
and he is right in what he said......I am not the Mary Poppins of Welsh poultry, or the Francis of Assissi of Flintshire....at times I can be as bad tempered and as much of an old bastard  as anyone out there in blogland ......and that's official.
I don't loose my temper often, but when I do, I can easily do a cracking impression of Aurora (Shirley McClaine) loosing it , from the movie Terms of Endearment

I have not got time now to tell you exactly How I lost my temper early this morning after I had left work for home.... suffice to say that it involved a rather common woman in tracksuit bottoms at the petrol station........and the phrase " you Rancid old slag!"

The price of a pint of milk

What can you get for around 44p nowadays?
A pint of milk?
A cheap Newspaper?
A stamp?

No, Chris has just spent 44p on something for me and will continue to pay 44p a day for the next year on it!
What is it he has bought me, I hear you all ask...?
Well he has just bought me the best pressie ever....
He has paid the field rent for me
44p a day!
The best pressie ever!

Thank you! x


Walking through the village with the dogs a few minutes ago, I spied affable despot Jason ambling down Chapel Street with his daughter on his shoulders.
"Have they gone?!" he called over and when I shouted out that they had, he added with a chuckle
"Bet you feel like that chap out of Schindler's List"
22 as a baby

Sweet natured number 12 and the killer-on-trotters number 21 left the field peacefully this morning. The Red Faced Welsh Farmer and his ever cheerful son Ed turned up exactly on time as did my farmer friends Eirlys and John, who had kindly agreed to give us a hand and after a quick chin wag and "plan of attack", we set up  a whole line of hurdles leading a path up to the waiting loose box by the gate.

I filled a bucket with corn, opened the enclosure gate and called the pigs out. Number 21 followed me immediately, with number 12 tottering up rather shyly behind, and within five minutes we had just about loaded 12 into the trailer where he peacefully scooped up big mouthfuls of corn with relish. The more sly number 21 played up just a little and tiptoed gaily around the field for a few minuteds, presumably searching for a spare hen to kill, followed by all of my helpers with their pig boards at the ready.

Neither pig was stressed, that's all I was truly bothered about, and when we eventually loaded 21, they both looked as though a trip in a trailer was the most natural thing in the world for both of them to be doing on a cold Tuesday morning.
Their calmness made me feel so much better, I just couldn't bare seeing them anxious and frightened.

At the abattoir
It was the same story when we arrived at the butcher's abattoir, where a huge South African Butcher, gently encouraged them both into their holding pen. "He's a big friendly bastard" he commented when number 12 ambled forward to sniff at some tiny looking porkers in the next stall, and a second later I was off to complete the paperwork . It was as quick and as simple as that.. no time for "goodbyes....no time for second thoughts!
I was glad I was with the RFWF He would have stamped on any indulgent emotional romp if  I dared to perform one.Things had to be matter of fact...that is the rule with farm animals.

"You are now a real farmer!" the RFWF said  as we drove off......."welcome to the club "

Welsh Movies

Now one of my all time favourite movies is the 1942 propaganda film Went The Day Well.
For those that don't know, it is an account of the Nazi takeover of a rural English Village during the second World War, and features a whole plethora of stiff upper Brits killing the bosh over their tea and crumpets!
The postmistress from Went The Day Well -axing the filthy hun

Tonight at Theatre Clwyd, there was a showing of two "Welsh" films which kind of mirror the story in Went The Day Well. The first was a cracking "short" propaganda film from 1943 called The Silent Village.

Aimed to be a tribute to the population of a small  Czechoslovakian mining village called Lidice, which was destroyed by the Nazis, The Silent Village "reenacted" the 1942 atrocity by using the real life citizens of the South Wales mining village Cwmgiedd in a documentary type narrative that works remarkably well

The real men of Cwmgiedd sing "Mae Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau "just before being "shot"
The main feature.... the Welsh thriller Resistance 
proved to be somewhat of a bummer especially after the creaky spirit shown by The Silent Village, but it did take a slightly different slant on the same subject matter.
In Resistance, the Germans have invaded Britain, and in an isolated Welsh Valley a somewhat sympathetic German Captain (Tom Wlaschiha) and his men, encounter a small group of women left alone by their menfolk who have joined the resistance movement.
Hampered by a tiny budget and a somewhat confusing story, this beautifully shot film,proved to be in the end , well, just a little bit dull... but I must admit that my disappointment  was probably fuelled by memories of Went The Day Well's  robust postmistress running amok with an axe!

The Talented Tom Wlaschicha  and Andrea Riseborough in Resistance

Time To Go

The RFWF and other villagers constructing the pig paddock 2 years ago
The Red Faced Welsh farmer has called around to discuss moving the pigs for slaughter.
Moving any farming animal is not just the simple process that it once was when animals were driven to market along country roads and through villages.
The pigs now have to be  tagged, and the paperwork has to be completed in triplicate before number 12 and number 21 can be cajoled into the RFWF's trailer for their last journey.
Strict guidelines are set and need to be followed about how they will be transported and I applaud the Uk for spearheading the implementation of these rules in a Europe that often cruelly treats the farming animals it is responsible for.
It is vital that the pigs are kept as stress free as possible, my decision to cull them together I think will go a long way in ensuring that will be the case, but some thought needed to be given to how we are to move and load them into the trailer, after all, the only thing they have known for the past 10 months is a small paddock and a dry old hen house filled with straw.
The RFWF knows all this. He is not in any way sentimental like me. He is simply a pragmatic old character that knows what to do when it comes to animals and will implement his knowledge with the minimum of fuss

Today I will try to conscript a few villagers to be "on hand" tomorrow morning in order to help.Village elder and cemetery carer Islwyn has already said he will be available and I am sure gentleman farmer Ralph from up the lane may be able to spare a half hour............I must not forget to tell Pat, my unofficial animal helper, that number 21 is going; after all she worked so hard last summer helping me inject the little bugger up the arse with antibiotics when she had a septic knee, she may like to call down to "say goodbye"

Perhaps I will be like the RFWF one day.....who knows..... but today... big softie that I am.,..... I hand fed number 12 and number 21 a huge bowl of warm spaghetti..........their joy at sucking the pasta in without chewing...made me feel just a little bit better about tomorrow!

btw Weightwatchers weigh in today 15 stone
Total weight loss this week 2lbs
Total weight loss since the 2nd of Jan 1 stone

Coconut pieces?

Now first let me tell you that I am having a few computer problems, so for a while things may be a bit erratic from now on until Mr Computer Shop geek can sort it all out.... My second point is a bit of a question.... why would someone place a dozen or so small pieces of rock hard coconut shell ( no flesh) in an egg box on top of our kitchen wall?
Now I know we live in a small rural village, that could have been mistaken as the backdrop for the film The Wicker Man, but even I cannot quite work out the significance of this strange offering?
If anyone can work a plausible answer , please contact me
And thirdly, the out and out winners of a traditional Welsh Love Spoon are Kiwi "Lady Mondegreen over at
http://ladymondegreenssecretgarden.blogspot.com/ who got all of the questions right thanks to her quick witted daughter Bironey! and to "Dan" Congratulations to all three of you!
The answers ( if anyone is interested) are Brett Claywell ( Mr painfully Cute) A young Russell Crowe ,Downton Abbey's Dan Stevens, Norman Reedus from The Walking Dead,Lancastrian comic Jon Richardson,actor Jospeh Mawle, crooner and all round sex pot Matt Cardle, Miranda sit encom sweetie Tom Ellis, Reece Shearsmith from The League of Gentlemen and finally the delightfully cute Scott Evans
Shame on Prestatyn resident Gwyneth,( you know who you are), Aussie Carol and Gloria Abyss....who all cheated in order to retrieve the "right" answers!!!!.....disqualification is a nasty word eh?
Naughty Naughty!