Allegretto from Palladio by Karl Jenkins

This is the "original" palladio....slightly better than the previous version that was led by the electric harp
A lovely piece of music

And then there was twelve

Much to Chris' disgust we now have 12 chicks in the dog cage in the kitchen. The temperature in the shed at night was just a little too low for the babies to cope with, and at this crucial part of their lives, if the chicks are a few degrees under optimum temperature, they will not eat and drink. I will harden them up this week and into the shed they will go on Wednesday or so. Unfortunately one small chick (number 13 to hatch) had to be dispatched, as she had a muscle problem with her neck and couldn't hold her head up straight. The other dozen chicks all looks perky and healthy

Karl Jenkins conducts Palladio

Karl Jenkins is one of my favourite composers and as it happens he is also Welsh! I This clip is his famous Palladio..which is probably his most famous piece apart from The Armed Man

Chris' Belated Birthday

Yes, the cake did seem a little lacklustre but after several large glasses of wine the family seemed to enjoy eating it in a late celebration of Chris' fortieth birthday. Tim & Ann and Janet & Ned all clubbed together to buy him some very impressive and professional dance shoes...

Star Trek

Sexy Simon Pegg and an even sexier Zachary Quinto in Star Trek

New Chicks

Hopefully the latest field casualties will be replaced by some of the chicks hatched today. So far ten out of the fifteen have fought their hard way into the world and by morning there may be one or two more. Five of the first hatchers are already set up under the heat lamp in the shed.

A Real Sexy Spock

Apparently Star Trek is the 11th film of the sci fi franchise to burst forth onto our screens and I must say that although I am not a huge Star Trek geek, it certainly is the best of the whole series (and I am including all of the tv shows in this assessment too!)
This exciting prequel to the tv USS ENTERPRISE days, chronicles James T Kirk's unsteady rise to Captain status and Spock's even shakier (and much more interesting) journey to be his second in command and along the way we are joyfully introduced to the well known supporting team of Scotty,Bones,Uhura,Sulu and Chekov.
Chris Pine makes for a spunky and likable Kirk, Karl Urban is a dead ringer for the old cynical Dr McCoy , newcomers Zoe Saldana and John Cho give a newer, sexier twist to Uhura and Sulu's usually bland characters and Simon Pegg gives the one and only comic turn as the moon faced engineer Mr Scott.
The action sequences are top notch, the usual Star Trek psycho/technical/pseudo religious babble is mercifully kept to a minimum and although some of the film's time travel storyline is over complicated the whole movie is a refreshing,dynamic and successful re booting of a tried and tested formula!
The character of Mr Spock (played with a smoldering smartness by the very VERY sexy Zachary Quinto) re enforces the film's ability to be totally revitalised and original from anything that has gone before it, and he deftly steals the film from the rest of the youthful and very attractive cast.
I loved his charm particulary and the film in general
I gave it a cracking 9/10

From left to right Chekov (Anton Yelchin) Kirk (Chris Pine), Scotty (Simon Pegg), Bones (Karl Urban), Sulu (John Cho) and Uhura (Zoe Saldana)

Robina R.I.P

My sister in law read the last couple of blogs and sent me this photo of me and Robina. She was my very first hen and I can't believe it was taken over three years ago now....Jayne said I looked very young!...I think I only look younger as I actually look clean!