And then there was twelve

Much to Chris' disgust we now have 12 chicks in the dog cage in the kitchen. The temperature in the shed at night was just a little too low for the babies to cope with, and at this crucial part of their lives, if the chicks are a few degrees under optimum temperature, they will not eat and drink. I will harden them up this week and into the shed they will go on Wednesday or so. Unfortunately one small chick (number 13 to hatch) had to be dispatched, as she had a muscle problem with her neck and couldn't hold her head up straight. The other dozen chicks all looks perky and healthy

1 comment:

  1. Peeps are so cute. When I was a kid they used to sell colored (pink, blue, green, red)chicks at the 5 & Dime at Easter time. I always wanted one but our mom said no way. Anyway, one year the owner, Billy Sick, gave me 2 chicks. My mom was not happy about this, as she knew they were probably going to die. We put them in an old (parakete)bird cage and one died because my brother(I think) put it on the swing and it fell off. The other died not long after that. That was in the days when they also sold little turtles with flowers painted on their shells. All of this stopped many years ago.Horrible huh?? Glad Susan is still kicking. Will to live it seems.


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