Sidney Pollack 1934-2008

Director,Producer and for me most memorable for his pithy acting,Sidney Pollack sadly died today.
I absolutely loved him as the screaming talent agent in TOOTSIE......
He upstaged Hoffman nicely......

Dirty little Buggers

Chris has been forced into a state of nervous exhaustion when I have been on night duty, as the rapidly growing band of tap dancing ducklings have proved to be rather a handful for his more "delicate" constitution.

I must admit, I will never hatch so many babies at once again, as the bigger they grow the dirtier they actually become. In what seems like seconds after I have cleaned out their cage, each one seems to have the ability of opening their bowels out on unsteady and rather clumsy feet, then like toddlers in a garden puddle,they take great delight in flinging the watery and rather disgusting fluid in every direction.

Yet, the funny little band, remain
endearing and sweet. Every few minutes, fourteen sets
of beady eyes follow your every movement around the kitchen, and amid a frenzy of cheeps, they continue with their tap dancing in anticipation of a portion of scrambled egg or water.

Chris has kindly bought me a garden shed, to be erected as soon as is humanly possible by the back door, in which to transfer the ducklings
I can't wait.......I've always wanted my own shed...must be my age

Eurovision 1978

This is my first real memory of Eurovison.And although last night's sing fest was a whole lot better than it has been for years and years, I do miss those clunky old days of the Eurovision, where a jury of "knowlegeable" experts voted on the songs and we didn't have all this eastern block voting.
Shame about Sweden......the old drag queen didn't get placed.........

Bodnant Gardens

It has become a bit of a tradition to go to Bodnant Gardens in May to see the famous Laburnum arch and although it is not quite "there" it IS pretty impressive. You can just see Chris on the left.
Had lunch out then back for Eurovision

William's obsession

Getting his first real close up view of the 14 tap dancing ducklings on the kitchen table, William has become a true groupie. The little birds have now gotten used to a big hairy face bouncing up and down constantly throughout the day as the Welsh terrier has exhausted himself in his efforts to get close. I have no doubt that if loose William would kill each one of the fluffy creatures, but behind the grill, he seems content just to stare and watch.
I have been hand feeding the ducklings on mashed eggs from time to time, and they seem to be quite hysterical over it.The lone little black duckling ( who I have christened Stanford) I think I will keep.

What are we doing?

Channel hopping last night I found the strangest programme on one of the more obscure sky twilight channels.
Celebrity Rehab has to be seen to be believed:and its format couldn't be simpler or more exploitative. A score of "celebrities" with drug and alcohol problems are checked into a therapeutic care centre under the "no nonsense" care of handsome Dr Drew. Psychotherapy sessions are filmed, demons are exposed and wrecked human beings are seen at their lowest ebb.
Ok I guess it is a more showy version of Big Brother, but I found the whole sorry programme immensely sad and at the same time strangely fascinating.By the end of an hours viewing, my overall emotion was anger. Anger that several vulnerable individuals had quite obviously been manipulated into "spilling their guts out for the cameras"
My heart went out to actor Jeff Conaway who was physically the most debilitated and emotionally fragile of the group, and the scenes with him gaining crumbs of support from the crumpled faced Brigitte Nielsen, (who was strangely balanced yet rather resigned at her predicament), were particularly moving.
Why do we need to watch this sort of thing on tv? Why does the audience require bigger and better reality fodder.
The merits of watching people battle addictions might help some sufferers with their resolve or denial but the parading of these fallen well knowns was I feel in very poor taste and smacked totally of voyeurism.

Tough Ambridge Life

What has happened to The Archers? Everything seems to have gone a little tits up. Oliver is near tears with his TB ridden dairy herd. Matt and the luscious Annabelle are going to shaft David,Adam and Ruth with the size of the digester,Pat and Tony (pic) are loosing their packhouse to Borchester Land, and gobshite Shula (the pious cow) has bad mouthed Usha (albeit accidentally) to the press. Everything is doom gloom........and you know what? I am enjoying it all the more.The Archers have a tendency to ebb and flow in the dramatic sense, and I think we are in dire need of good strong and consistant drama, that does not always get a resolution after 15 minutes is up......more of the same please.

Still feeling crap today......Just about to have a hot bath and hopefully loosen the old mucous ...lovely!


My "summer" cold has hit hard today and I feel out of sorts, snotty and lacking in energy,but I have kept going from 6 am sorting out the animals and finishing the gardening. The back garden is looking great and I may enter it in the conservation group's "open garden " competition in the summer.
In preparation for the ducklings rapid spurts of growth, I have covered two runs with tarps so that they can go into the garden for most of the warmer days (remember they cannot get wet until their feathers have grown on their backs at 6 weeks old ), ok the runs are not the prettiest of structures but they'll do
The adult ducks are extremely skittish at times, so I have been handling the new ducklings in William's cage as much as possible to encourage them to be tamer.All the dogs have to be put outside when I am doing this as their literally go hysterical with jealousy. Below is Little Fin looking quite perky.