Katy Jurado

Found this picture of Katy Jurado from High Noon! (I mentioned her when reviewing 3.10 to Yuma)
I always remember that she had a big deep voice

Didn't realise that she was married to Ernest Borgnine!

Eggy Bread

Now I am not trying to be all "fluffy bunny", but sometimes it is good just to enjoy( and realise that you do) little simple things in life. It is 10.30 am and we are having a lie in! Ok Chris was up at 6.30am walking the dogs and I was up at 7.45 doing the hens and ducks but after feeding and watering 36 animals, I brewed coffee, made tea and cooked "eggy Bread",(pic) and rather guiltily we had breakfast in bed!

Yesterday teatime we went to Llandudno and had a great meal and wine at Osborne's and this afternoon we are going to Roger'Jones aution house this afternoon to look for kitchen tables (http://www.rogersjones.co.uk/ ) so it has been a lovely weekend even though I will be on nights this evening!

Spring Dawn

It was quite beautiful this morning when I let the girls out, so I spent the beginning of the day digging out the new potato patch. Makes a lovely change not to be cold and wet!

3.10 to Yuma

Now I always enjoyed the original film 3:10 to Yuma . Filmed in 1957 with Van Heflin' as dirt rancher Dan Evans bringing in no-so-bad killer Ben Wade Glenn Ford, the black and white western was dreadfully tense and remarkably psychological in its study of redemption and pride. Mind you I always get Yuma mixed up with the similar High Noon , as I always loved Katy Jurado's dignified performance as a real classy tart with a heart!

Anyhow the remake "Yuma" filmed last year with a gaunt Christian Bale as Evans and Russell Crowe as the intelligent and manipulative Wade, is an excellent "modern" telling of the tale, with both leads breathing extra depth to what seems like on the surface to be a simple morality story. Evans is a man who has lost faith in himself and is pitied by his 14 year old son ( the wonderfully swearing Logan Lerman) where as Wade is an contradiction of brutality and brains; as the two men come into conflict both realise inner qualities that they thought long forgotten. Bale and Crowe match each other scene for scene as the relationship between the two men develops, with Crowe just coming out best with the acting honours. I thought it was an excellent piece of work!

Beach 3.30pm

Just playing with Chris' camera! Blustery day here in Wales with gales all day.I love this picture pity Maddie wasn't bring up the rear! from left to right, William,Meg and of course little George trying to keep up

Beach 4pm

I think William looks a little like Rhubarb out of Rhubard and Custard !!!

They did it again!

Same characters, different faces, same stories, different faces........yep "ER" . the new series has done it again! -it is still the king of American drama series. Last night's episode Officer Down (2007), we had everything thrown into the pot and more.....Neela had big hair,Morris ( the wonderfully normal looking Scott Grimes) was angry at his father's death, Dr Lucien(Leland Orser) went all hippy and started yoga and Chuny actually shouted at cute preppy doctor Paul Grady (Gil McKinney pic) for running blood into an iv line! But as usual we had so much more! The unseen Dr Moretti ( an underplayed Stanley Tucci) is the alpha male boss, so that leaves Dr Lockhart (Maura Tierney) to teach and challenge the new -bees (McKinney who fancies her too!) Lucian loves Neela, Morris loves Hope (Busy Philipps) , Dark haired nurse momma Sam is falling for officer Litchman whilst Maverick Dr Gates is morphing into George Clooney without anyone noticing!
MEANWHILE (yep and they can squeeze it all in!) Dr Pratt is sucking face with some ultrasound Doctor, two police officers are shot (one dies) and the choreography in resus is better than ever.
Blink and you will miss something! I was always afraid that E.R would go the way of many tv series, that the characters will become less rounded and likable and indeed interesting as time went on, but with a cast that balances pretty,handsome and a bit craggy round the edges, series 14 is off to a cracking start!

Cold night

Its freezing outside tonight! just walked the dogs and come back into a lovely warm cottage
Looks like a scene from Miss Marple! Not a dog in sight too! ( all four were sat with me on my sofa)