3.10 to Yuma

Now I always enjoyed the original film 3:10 to Yuma . Filmed in 1957 with Van Heflin' as dirt rancher Dan Evans bringing in no-so-bad killer Ben Wade Glenn Ford, the black and white western was dreadfully tense and remarkably psychological in its study of redemption and pride. Mind you I always get Yuma mixed up with the similar High Noon , as I always loved Katy Jurado's dignified performance as a real classy tart with a heart!

Anyhow the remake "Yuma" filmed last year with a gaunt Christian Bale as Evans and Russell Crowe as the intelligent and manipulative Wade, is an excellent "modern" telling of the tale, with both leads breathing extra depth to what seems like on the surface to be a simple morality story. Evans is a man who has lost faith in himself and is pitied by his 14 year old son ( the wonderfully swearing Logan Lerman) where as Wade is an contradiction of brutality and brains; as the two men come into conflict both realise inner qualities that they thought long forgotten. Bale and Crowe match each other scene for scene as the relationship between the two men develops, with Crowe just coming out best with the acting honours. I thought it was an excellent piece of work!

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