
I loved the Henry Moore exhibition at Kew (the most striking is large reclining figure -see pic) You just can't help walking in and around each piece, running your hand along the metal curves.
The weather was cold and crisp and we had a lovely walk around the grounds and hot coffee and buns in the outdoor cafe!!
Did some Christmas shopping at John Lewis then was home by 7.00 pm. The crowds along Oxford street were all a bit much for me, so glad to get back to the peace and quiet of Trelawnyd.

Nu's Nutcracker

Up early this morning and completing this blog when in bed! which is very decadent. In London for my pre Christmas Nuala visit and have had a lovely time. She has gone to take Jimmy to work , so I can recall the days events!
We met at three pm yesterday, and went to the Skylon restaurant over at the Southbank. Lovely table overlooking the Thames! and felt very pampered with a great meal, average service and great views. I love catching up, as we talked non stop until 6pm, then ambled over to Saddler Wells to see the Nutcracker.
Camp as Christmas, I have seen the Mathew Bourne production a few times but to be honest I had forgotten just how good it was! Hairy Chested hulk Ian Vincent (pic) played the Nutcracker wonderfully ( I had seen him before in SWAN LAKE and The CAR MAN) and could just entertain myself by watching just him all night.
Fired up with all the great dancing we have arranged to see the Saddler wells production of ARGENTINE Tango ( Tango por Dos) at the Peacock theatre in Febuary, as part of Nu's Christmas pressie!
Off to Kew gardens this morning as it is cold and crip then I will pop in to John Lewis new food halls on Oxford Street to get a few Christmas treats!
Lovey day!
ps Siobhan hope you are reading this! will see you all at Nancy's fund raiser in the new year!

dan fogelberg -

1981..........This was a important song in my megre record collection.
Dan Fogelberg R.I.P

R.I.P Gethin

I am bereft!.... Poor Gethin has followed the pig-in-a dress Letitia and has hung up his dancing shoes! Which I know, is not really the end of the world, but I will miss his puppy- eager-to-please face every Saturday night.

Lucky I was working on ITU all day, so I had to stifle my groans of disappointment in the laundry room Perhaps I will give Blue Peter a look next week.

Got home just in time to watch the last episode of Cranford! Just wonderful!!!! Lisa Dillon as Cranford's conscience and voice of sanity ( the character Mary Smith-centre) almost stole the acting honours from the likes of Imelda Staunton and Julia McKenzie. I think that this ensemble piece is the best think I have seen on the BBC in many years . The happy ending had me in buckets


Winter has hit with a vengeance! The frost has been thick on the ground for much of the day, and the girls needed a treat so warmed pasta ( yes pasta!) was the order of the day.

Chris is lying on the couch in a state of nervous exhaustion ( Busy week!) but we did manage to get the last of the Christmas Shopping completed and have mussels and chips at Osborns in Llandudno for lunch.

Quick blog today as I am about to settle down and watch Strictly Come Dancing!!!! all ready and waiting with my little Gethin Flag!!!!!!

Non Nobis

AT MY funeral please!!!

John Lewis Christmas 2007 advert,

Clever and subtle this beats the Marks and Spencer homage to Hollywood 1950's style.

The Tomorrow People

Bloody hell, this is over 34 years old!!!!Makes you feel rather old! I loved this programme! (ONE REASON IS THE MUSIC! so retro)