Rat runs

Up early on "rat watch" this morning, and I am convinced the little buggers ARE around as like an African hunter I have found rat "Spoor" under the duck house and "runs" on the edge of the field. I have not actually seen any rats except the dead on William had killed but I want to nip any infestation very quickly! Thank god for Flintshire County Council! after playing a blinder with the bollard construction, they have come up trumps yet again when I rang them today for some rat advice. With a cheerful "No problem" someone in a white van will be coming out over the weekend to help me with poisoning! Oh the fun of it all.

I was on the beach at dawn with the dogs and it was quite lovely and deserted! Tried to do a "Nige" and take a couple of arty shots but failed miserably.

I think Chris and I will try to go to Osborns tomorrow as he has been working way too hard this week. I am working all day Sunday and Monday morning then off until New Year's Eve!! Catching up with Nu in London on Tuesday ( we are off to see Mathew Bourne's Nutcracker) and big family meal on Saturday at the Bistro, so at least socially things are Christmas-ing up a little more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A little bit of magic

Chris is still away until late this evening, so it seems to have been a slightly quieter day. I have cleared most of the garden of dead wood and rubbish, took Janet and Ruby to the beach with the dogs and baked a load of mince pies ( How Annie Sugden of me).

As I collected eggs to make a flan, I saw a woman walking with two children down the lane, and as the birds have been moved nearer the fence, they stopped to watch the girls running up and down after me, thinking that they were due to be fed. The woman was interested in the ducks and asked lots of questions about them and her granddaughter ( who was about 7 and had the broadest of scouse accents) was totally mesmerised by the chickens.

She had never been close to a hen before and practically galloped into the run when I said she and her sister ( much more shy and a year or two older) could help me collect the eggs.

I have found that Children who have never really experienced poultry are totally fascinated by them ; friend Ruth's children and the next door neighbour's grandkids have all enjoyed being close up and personal with them. This small girl ( Leigh) almost looked overwhelmed with it all. Open mouthed she lifted the nesting boxes and almost peeing herself in excitement I encouraged her to stick her hand under a rather placid Baby Jane to collect the eggs. When laying the hens are rather more "static" so Leigh could actually stroke her and prod her without too much panic and noise. We did this with several of the birds and both sisters then took turns in holding a non plussed Mildred Pierce which they loved.

Apart from enjoying showing the hens off, I was very moved by the childrens' wonder and interest. They noticed the colour of the birds eyes, how clean they appeared to be and the noises that they made, ( and giggled for ages at their toilet habits), and it got me thinking of how lucky we have been always having animals in our lives as children. Animals have the ability to animate the quietest of kids, and be the friends to the shyest individuals and today's experience got me thinking of a conversation along the same lines I had with Friends Mike and Bev, who are contemplating a visit with daughter Maisie.

Holding a chicken made Leigh's day today, I hope that Maisie can poke a pudgy finger at Mildred Pierce very soon!

By the way, despite the above I still really don't do children!!

Soul Children of Chicago - Carol of the Bells

The best version I cold find
This is my favourite Carol--seeing that I am in the mood!

Carol of the Bells

Hummmmmmm a different take!

2007 Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree Lighting

We saw the tree being placed but not lit up!
Looks lovely!

Rat watch and the power of Christmas cards!

With William killing a large rat yesterday, I was a little worried that the chickens were possibly the cause of large vermin being so close to home. So, clutching a small torch I ventured out into the night to watch if the dirty little buggers were indeed raiding the hen's food. It was bloody cold but after an hour, not one could be seen (I was very relieved), However two barn owls circled the field several times, with one rather beautiful bird landing silently on the top of the duck house! I watched them both for ages, with them flying off only when I was sniffing snot quite loudly.
Chris is away again with work, so things are pretty quiet, but at least I have decorated the living room so it feels a little more Christmasy. Radio 4's womans' Own had a very witty piece on Christmas Cards. The gist of it concentrated on the banality and uselessness of card giving (albeit in humorous way) -http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/womanshour/04/2007_50_wed.shtml- and it got me to thinking of what I actually feel about this tradition.

I love getting Christmas cards! especially ones from people I see infrequently. You know the type of card I mean-! tastefully chosen ( no cheap baubles!!) with a brief "catch up" written on the inside, no round robin photocopy supplement (yerch) but a brief token of remembrance! "I remember you!!" wave, that's what is important. I still send and receive cards from people I know I will probably never see again, and that is fine! just taking the time to write and send them means that the briefest of contact is carried on and the acknowledgement of the fact that they were important to you is continued! I think that this tradition sums up Christmas much more powerfully than gifts and family nosh ups!


Full of snot! But feeling much better, I seem to have got a lot done today. Fitted a new cat flap for Joan ( whoopie shit!) then went to the Church to help paint the new radiators. My fellow helpers were a trifle deaf, so the painting was done in silence which was rather restful as the winter sun was shining through the stained glass windows.
The dogs went round to Carol's when I was busy, and William made himself useful by finding and killing a huge rat in their garden! (I saw the body and it was huge!)
Planted a load of cyclamen on Fin's grave this morning and cleared most of the back garden of dead wood as well, so I feel I have made the most of the sunny day.


Although I still feel as though I have a subdural haematoma, the dogs still need walking and the hens still need feeding. Maude ( centre) decided to try her wings out this afternoon and although I have clipped all of the ducks' wings, she gracefully glided across the field in a matter of 3 seconds! Then being one of tight knit flock, she spent the next 30 minutes hysterically trying the join the others o the other side of the electric fencing! Feeling like shit, I was in no mood for histrionics, but finally caught her just as it went dusk! (whilst swearing like an old trouper!)
Spoke to Nu this evening ( who said I should be knocking back the day nurse, as it gave her an unnatural high), Siobhan e mailed me too, to let me know that Gethin is dating Opera Diva kathryn Jenkins...................................I don't believe it!! ....lucky bitch