Rat watch and the power of Christmas cards!

With William killing a large rat yesterday, I was a little worried that the chickens were possibly the cause of large vermin being so close to home. So, clutching a small torch I ventured out into the night to watch if the dirty little buggers were indeed raiding the hen's food. It was bloody cold but after an hour, not one could be seen (I was very relieved), However two barn owls circled the field several times, with one rather beautiful bird landing silently on the top of the duck house! I watched them both for ages, with them flying off only when I was sniffing snot quite loudly.
Chris is away again with work, so things are pretty quiet, but at least I have decorated the living room so it feels a little more Christmasy. Radio 4's womans' Own had a very witty piece on Christmas Cards. The gist of it concentrated on the banality and uselessness of card giving (albeit in humorous way) -http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/womanshour/04/2007_50_wed.shtml- and it got me to thinking of what I actually feel about this tradition.

I love getting Christmas cards! especially ones from people I see infrequently. You know the type of card I mean-! tastefully chosen ( no cheap baubles!!) with a brief "catch up" written on the inside, no round robin photocopy supplement (yerch) but a brief token of remembrance! "I remember you!!" wave, that's what is important. I still send and receive cards from people I know I will probably never see again, and that is fine! just taking the time to write and send them means that the briefest of contact is carried on and the acknowledgement of the fact that they were important to you is continued! I think that this tradition sums up Christmas much more powerfully than gifts and family nosh ups!

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