
Full of snot! But feeling much better, I seem to have got a lot done today. Fitted a new cat flap for Joan ( whoopie shit!) then went to the Church to help paint the new radiators. My fellow helpers were a trifle deaf, so the painting was done in silence which was rather restful as the winter sun was shining through the stained glass windows.
The dogs went round to Carol's when I was busy, and William made himself useful by finding and killing a huge rat in their garden! (I saw the body and it was huge!)
Planted a load of cyclamen on Fin's grave this morning and cleared most of the back garden of dead wood as well, so I feel I have made the most of the sunny day.


Although I still feel as though I have a subdural haematoma, the dogs still need walking and the hens still need feeding. Maude ( centre) decided to try her wings out this afternoon and although I have clipped all of the ducks' wings, she gracefully glided across the field in a matter of 3 seconds! Then being one of tight knit flock, she spent the next 30 minutes hysterically trying the join the others o the other side of the electric fencing! Feeling like shit, I was in no mood for histrionics, but finally caught her just as it went dusk! (whilst swearing like an old trouper!)
Spoke to Nu this evening ( who said I should be knocking back the day nurse, as it gave her an unnatural high), Siobhan e mailed me too, to let me know that Gethin is dating Opera Diva kathryn Jenkins...................................I don't believe it!! ....lucky bitch

10,000 B.C. Trailer

Like the forthcoming I AM LEGEND, I am looking forward to see this boys' own action piece!

Needles in Eyes

One of my favourite film quotes is from the 1983 film Terms of Endearment¬ I often misquote Garrett Breedlove's famous put down to Aurora Greenway's offer to "come in".- a waspish

"I'd rather stick needles in my eyes. ".

Well today I feel as though I have actually stuck those needles in my eyeballs as I have come down with a nasty head cold. Dragged myself to work this morning then had to concede defeat as I had a hot flush at 10am with a temperature of 38.5 ! I left Chris on dog,hen and duck duty and came home and went to bed for the rest of the morning and most of the afternoon.

Grumpy and hot I got up to watch the lovely Gethin get through to the semi finals of Strictly Come Dancing . Pity about Letitia getting kicked out.....

House of Mirth

The House of Mirth (2000) turned up on TCM yesterday, and I am so glad that I caught it again before Chris got home. I had totally forgotten just how good Gillian Anderson was in her role of tragic heroine Lily Bart. She perfectly captures a woman before her time! who is caught within the tight Edwardian protocols of East Coast society which ultimately destroys her dreams and future. The scene where Lily finally breaks down in front of old suitor Eric Stoltz is truly heartbreaking

Village Concert

Yes the New York hat has been getting another airing! this time at the village Conservation Group Carol Concert! It was little sad that only 35 people turned up to hear the 14 strong choir belt out a comprehensive repertoire of carols and traditional country songs, but those that did make the effort seemed to enjoy the professional singing from Rhyl's Phoenix Singers
The conductor, Jefferson Thomas, has been suffering from Parkinson's for many years, yet he proved to be an physically erratic but passionate master of ceremonies, even when faced by such a meagre audience.
I was full of cold, but was sustained by a small flask of boiling water, lemsip and brandy! in equal measures! and we actually won a "Christmas hamper" in the raffle!!! (when are baked beans, tinned potatoes and cup-a-soup deemed Xmas fodder?)

Meg imitating Finlay

Funny but Meg is slowly turning into Finlay! and I have to wonder if I am the catalyst for this transformation. She is following me around constantly , she is spending great lengths of time sitting on my knee and is getting into the habit of throwing herself backwards when comfortable on the couch.
That's my girl

Great Pic

Thanks Nige for taking this great shot of Prestatyn beach during a sand storm!