Winter garb

Rainy and wet overnight, so summer crocs have been put away and wellies have been dug out of the outhouse. Ann gave me these knee-length woollen socks a few Christmas' ago, and I had forgotten just how warm and comforting they are. Not had them off for 4 days! which does sounds a tad lax.
I have manured (not personally!) and composted the allotment today. George Clooney has been on hold this week as both of us are reluctant to leave the cottage and fire when the nights have drawn in.

Facebook and old friends

Facebook is an odd phenomenon ! I cannot quite understand all the many parts of this social networking lark and it seems on the surface to be a teenage fad rather than the "professional" communication highway that it is often referred to. I was requested to join into the system by an old friend and through a whole series of convoluted connections I am now in contact with several people I have not heard from in ages. I guess that is nice in someways, as it is always great to hear (albeit briefly) from people who you have liked and who you have once knew: and I suppose on that one level, Facebook has been useful to me.
However, I know I am pretty good at keeping in touch with friends, and those people I want to keep up with, I do cherish and make the effort with. for those friends Facebook is an irrelevance, and is just a bit of a time waster really. Strangely enough I was thinking of one old friend that I would like to be in contact again. I was musing about her today after a conversation with friend Kathryn, who was worried about a friendship of hers which had changed recently, but I guess some friendships just die away, and should be left where they lay
To those thousands of other people who live their lives on Facebook, all I can say is good luck to you......I think I'll stay writing on my blog and pottering in my allotment.

Leeks and hard work

It has been a glorious day, warm and bright and not at all like a day in October. It has also been a day that a great deal has been done. I have cleared most of the weeds and summer veg from the allotment, picked the sprouts and have pulled the first of my leeks, which are on the short size, but taste absolutely lovely. I have also lugged tons of compost around and the chicken shit has made it rich,wonderfully strong but rather smelly!

George has spent the day keeping me company, (and chewing a discarded pumpkin) he has also sat for ages just watching the chickens with an unhealthy interest.

Happy Birthday Jayne

With the postal strike on and off like a nun's draws, I wondered today if sister-in-law Jayne actually recieved her birthday card!!!! I doubt it! so Happy Belated Birthday Jayne!!!!xxxxxx

Amy Winehouse-Tears Dry On Their Own (Music Video)

Those who know me will understand that I do not generally like "Popular "music! but I have to admit that I love Amy Winehouse's latest single! Ok she looks like the wreck of the Hesberus: a cross between Devine and Tracy Emin!!!


Cold today but bright and sunny,so have repainted one of the hen houses, and have cleared all the loose hay,grass and feed from the enclosure.
Instead of the beach could only fit in one long walk on the old farm road behind the was creepy walking up there in the dusk, especially as I was remembering the serial killer from last nights film!.There is a chill in the air so the fire has been lit early tonight .
Think Chris wants to go to the pics tomorrow night, George Clooney is starring in MICHAEL CLAYTON at cineworld in Llandudno. Looks like a good bet!


I sort of knew that I would enjoy Jindabyne (Theatre Clwyd), when I read the blurb on it, after all I loved director Ray Lawrences' previous film Lantana in (2001) . This film, (his first in 5 years ),turned out to be a wonderfully complicated and menacing piece of work .

In the austere landscape of New South Wales,a fading and emotionally weak ex rally driver Gabriel Byrne lives for his yearly fishing trip with his fellow 40 something small town friends. The men find the corpse of young Aboriginal woman in the river - the victim of a serial killer. Rather than spoil the trip, they decide to leave the dead woman where she is, heartlessly tethering her by twine to the riverbank, and delay reporting the body until Sunday night. The reason for this behaviour is never totally explained as the film concentrates on the ramifications of the men's actions which start to shatter the lives and relationships they have with their womenfolk.
This strange, almost dreamlike story is further complicated by the character of Byrne's wife Claire (Laura Linney), who already is nursing terrible psychological problems and family dysfunction. She had a breakdown after the birth of her son, and is way too bright and intelligent for her shallow and uncommunicative husband . Claire cannot cope with the coldness of the men's actions and through her eyes we see great yawning differences between women and emotionally isolated men, the white townsfolk and the Aborigine community, and the banality of small town life and the strangeness of the Australian outback. Add to this mix a touch of native spiritualism, a truly frightening serial killer and a small girl obsessed with the death of her mother, and you have a weird,menacing and totally interesting film. Linney is wonderful as the brittle Claire as is Deborra-Lee Furness, (right pic) her life worn and damaged best friend. After nights last night and no sleep today, I was glad that I had made the effort and drive to Theatre Clwyd to see it.

Battles won ?

Nursing a hangover from a great meal, it was nice to check the coops this morning to find that the tide seems to be turning in the war of the mites. A few of the dirty little buggers remain, so I have given the houses another deluge of bug killer. Let's hope it is the end of the story as bugs don't make exciting blogs
When we are out last night the cottage wall was given yet another clack form a large wagon or lorry, that makes three bashes in one month. Plan for this week is to paint my own warning sign to be put up on the corner telephone pole, well as the council seems impotent in its powers! I shall take matters in my own hands.
Lots to plan this week, as all my early shallots, garlic,onions and broad beans need to be planted.