Facebook and old friends

Facebook is an odd phenomenon ! I cannot quite understand all the many parts of this social networking lark and it seems on the surface to be a teenage fad rather than the "professional" communication highway that it is often referred to. I was requested to join into the system by an old friend and through a whole series of convoluted connections I am now in contact with several people I have not heard from in ages. I guess that is nice in someways, as it is always great to hear (albeit briefly) from people who you have liked and who you have once knew: and I suppose on that one level, Facebook has been useful to me.
However, I know I am pretty good at keeping in touch with friends, and those people I want to keep up with, I do cherish and make the effort with. for those friends Facebook is an irrelevance, and is just a bit of a time waster really. Strangely enough I was thinking of one old friend that I would like to be in contact again. I was musing about her today after a conversation with friend Kathryn, who was worried about a friendship of hers which had changed recently, but I guess some friendships just die away, and should be left where they lay
To those thousands of other people who live their lives on Facebook, all I can say is good luck to you......I think I'll stay writing on my blog and pottering in my allotment.

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